Page 4 - December PPIAC Newsletter FINAL w Links
P. 4
This is where the secret of learning comes in: as long as you are
moving forward and learning new ideas, you’re going to stay sharp.
A sharp investigator is one that takes advantage of all tools at their
disposal, and continuing education helps you save time, effort, and
gives a perspective you may not have had.
Do you think you can’t afford continuing education? There are many
free options available: YouTube, Reddit, Discord, Vimeo, and many
other groups and forums. When you look at the price of a training
seminar, don’t forget to factor in how such a skill will save you time
and money in future cases. Training is an investment in not only
your business, but yourself.
Article Links:
Tan Smyth
VP of Training, PPIAC
He said he
created the Uber
of private
investigations. It
was a scam.