Page 3 - December PPIAC Newsletter FINAL w Links
P. 3
February 3, 2021
Mike Yergey of
Yergey Insurance
Join our monthly
trainings via Zoom.
Board meeting
4:30-5:30 p.m.
(voting members
6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Networking The importance of continuing education goes well beyond your
business. True, it provides you new and updates skills to offer
clients, putting you ahead of competition and giving your
6:30 p.m. General customers a better product. Training also introduces you to new
Meeting technologies and ways to utilize what you already have so you can
‘work smarter, not harder.’ On a business level, continuing
education just makes sense. But training goes beyond business.
Email Right now, our world is a bit upside down and many people are left feeling isolated and unsure of where their future is going.
for login info Uncertainty can lead to doubt, which leads to emotions that
negatively impact you: despair, fear, confusion, and hopelessness.
When you’re stuck in a cycle of upset, it’s very hard to stop
yourself from going in a circle.
That is where training comes in: learning a new skill, a new talent,
or just brushing up on updated techniques can lift you from that
frustration. Whether it’s something for work, or a new language,
or even learning how to play a musical instrument- your attention
is engaged, and your interest is held. Your brain is at work finding
correlations to what you already know or learning new concepts
that can be adapted to other areas of knowledge.