Page 7 - December PPIAC Newsletter FINAL w Links
P. 7
I would go on to work for The Gazette in Colorado Springs for nine years in
their Information Technology department and managed the implementation
of new major systems that handled accounting, advertising, production, and
newsroom operations. I loved the newspaper business and it led me to
become the third generation in my family to work in the industry – my father
ad and grandfather being the first. While at the Gazette, I was the President
of an international newspaper users’ group and came to appreciate the
value of hard-working board members. I worked my way up to the Director
of Information Technology, but sadly decided to get out of the business
before the next bankruptcy or round of layoffs.
So here I am an investigator. This year, some of my interesting cases
included a two-week federal trial where five people were charged with
immigration and marriage fraud/conspiracy. I had the honor to sit at the
table with the attorney. It was a fascinating case, but 10,000 pages of
discovery can fry your brain.
The most emotional and compelling case this year was a missing person’s
case for the family of a 21-year-old male. My work led to connecting the
missing person to unidentified skeletal remains that had been found in the
Raton, NM area. It was heartbreaking but I am thankful I could give the
family closure. I cannot fathom what it would be like not knowing what
happened to your child. I had a great assist from my husband (who become a
PI this year) in that he worked as a simultaneous Spanish interpreter with
some of the family members who benefited hearing things in their native
Most of the time, I am working civil cases (personal injury, probate, asset
checks) and heavy into OSI and finding people and information. I do some
criminal work. I think one of my favorite types of cases to do is heir searches.
The thrill of starting in the late 1800s and finding current heirs.
Bottom line – I love my job and I am looking forward to working as your
Treasurer. May we all have a more conducive work environment in 2021!
Happy New Year,
Beth Courrau