Page 101 - Gan's Family History
P. 101

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19th Generation Yan He was born between 9.00 and
Yan Shu, the fourth son of ancestor 11.00am on the 19th day of the 1st
Yan Chin, was promoted as the 19th moon in the 19th reign year of
generation heir in the clan. His Emperor Chia Ching (1522-1565)
formal name was Yuan Shan and Frugal and industrious, he got
stylistic name Lung Chuan. married and raised up his family.
He held the 23rd rank in the He passed away on the 27th
order of seniority among his fellow day of the 15th day of the 2nd moon
clansmen. His word-line was Yuan. in the 29th year (1601) reign of
He was born between 5.00 and Emperor Wan Li (1573-1619), living
7.00pm on the 18th day of the 11th to a ripe old age of 71 and was buried
moon in the first year (1448) when in Wu Lung Keng, 22nd capital.
Emperor Hung Chih (1488-1504) of He married a maiden of the
the Ming Dynasty (1386-1644) Hsu clan residing in Tien Chung
ascended the throne. hamlet. She gave birth to two sons
He passed away on the 26th and two daughters.
day of the 9th moon in the 11th year The male heirs were named
of Emperor Wan Li's reign (1575- 1. Yan Wen Lien, tablet name
1619), and was buried at Chang Lin ancestor Tung Min and
Ting in this administrative unit. 2. Yan Wen Huang, tablet name
He took a maiden from the Lu Ancestor Pei Min.
clan, originally living in Hu Keng
hamlet to be his legal wife. She was Yan Wen Lien became the father of
born between 9.00-11.00pm on the two sons in his family and passed
29th day of the 1st moon in the 59th away before being named as the next
year (1485) before the reign of heir of his clan.
Emperor Hung Chih (1488-1504).
She passed away on the 19th 21st Generation Yan
day of the 10th moon in the 49th year His younger brother Yan Wen Huang
(1509) before the reign of Emperor succeeded as the 21st elder instead.
Chia Ching (1522-1565) His formal name was Shu Kung and
She bore him two sons and stylistic name Pei Min. His word-line
their names were:- to indicate his seniority was Shu.
1. Yan Mao Chiu, tablet name He was appointed as a civil
Ancestor Ping Shan and officer in a county and on completion
2. Yan Mao Teng, who died young. of his nine years' term of service; he
retired back to his village.
20th Generation Yan He was born between 7.00 and
Yan Mao Chiu succeeded his father 9.00pm of the 15th day of the 9th
as the clan leader of the 20th moon in the 4th year (1570) under
generation descendants. His formal the reign of Emperor Lung Ching
name was Tiao Lang, stylistic name (1567-1571)
Ping Shan. He was ranked 18th in He passed away on the 27th
line after Ancestor Yan Shu. His day of the 7th moon in the 13th year
word-line was Ching. (1640) of Emperor Chung Chen's rule

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