Page 104 - Gan's Family History
P. 104

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patriarch of the 27th generation the 27th year (1847) rule of Emperor
descendants, bearing the designated Tao Kuang (1821-1849); and passed
word-line of Tsu. away between 11.00 and 1.00am on
He was born between 9.00 and the 1st day of the 11th moon in the
11.00am on the 8th day of the 9th 25th year (1899). He was buried at
moon in the 31st year (1766) reign of Fu Hsun Han.
Emperor Chien Lung (1736-1794) A marriage alliance was sealed
and passed away between 9.00 and with the Lin clan when he took lady
11.00pm on the 3rd day of the 2nd Chao to be his lawful wedded wife.
moon a year before (1860) Emperor She was born between 5.00 and
Tung Chih (1862-1874) ascended to 7.00am on the 12th day of the 4th
the throne. He was interned at moon in the 31st year (1855) rule of
Chang Lin cemetery. Emperor Tao Kuang (1821-1849);
He married his legal wife Pao of and passed away between 3.00 and
the Chen clan of whom, on her death, 5.00am on the 7th day of the 12th
was awarded a posthumous title of moon, slightly less than six months
Shen Tzu. She bore to her husband after her husband's death. She was
a son and a daughter to carry on the honoured with a posthumous title as
family's name. The male heir was Tuan Yi and buried at Fu Hsun Chen
named Yan Shih Ken tablet name Hsing Shan, clos by to her husband's
Ancestor Chun Hou. His word-line grave.
was Wu. From this marriage, she
His youngest brother, Yan Pei produced two sons and two
Hsiao was without any male heir daughters into the Yan family. The
issue and he adopted his elder male heirs were respectively named:-
brother's son, Yan Shih Ken, as joint 1. Yan Wen Yuan , tablet name
heirs and the male progenitors for Ancestor Hsiao Yi and
both branches of the family tree. 2. Yan Wen Tan (Gan Boon Tam) ,
tablet name Ancestor Hsiao Chi.
28 Generation Yan The eldest daughter was given in
Yan Shih Ken was appointed by his marriage to the ward of Chen Nuan,
father and uncle as their joint-heirs residing in Shih Tien Chien hamlet,
and successors to begin two new and the second daughter to the ward
lines of descendants. He was given a of Su Chu at the same hamlet.
non-de-plume or secret name of Kuei
Hou, formal name Tun Wu and Soon, forefather Yan Wen
stylistic name Chun Hou. Yuan (Gan Boon Ean) was to leave
Father and son were engaged his village behind to seek his fortune
throughout their lives in a catering and travelled to Malaya and
business in their village. He eventually found his way to
was born between 1.00 and 3.00pm Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, to begin
on the 20th day of the 6th moon in a new life. When his business

25 Continue in page 78
My Great Grand Father

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