Page 109 - Gan's Family History
P. 109
107 | P a g e
Appendix Two
Yan Personalities
Yan Hui have made much effort in putting his
preaching into practice.
YAN HUI (521 - 489 BC) was of
course the person whom all staunch
Confucianists worshipped
throughout Chinese history. He was
born during the Chou dynastic
period (1027 - 221 BC) during the
period of the Spring and Autumn
Annals (771 - 476 BC).
He styled himself ZI YUAN and
was also known by his respectful
name of YAN YUAN. He was a native
of the Kingdom of LU (known as
Shandong Province today) and was
younger than Confucius by 30 years.
His hair turned grey when he was 29
years of age and he passed away at
the age of 32.
Although he lived in the
shadow of his Master, Yan Hui was a
person who was contented with what
Potrait of Yan Hui extracted from the he had and never lured by the
Yan website temptation of money or status.
Confucius considered Yan Hui
Although the actual meaning of our far wiser than himself and was
Yan's surname means COLOUR or praised as a person who seldom got
FACE, in the book “Your Chinese angry and never repeated the same
Roots” by Thomas Tsu-wee Tan, the mistakes. He never return a slight
Yan surname also means and he treated his inferior as if they
“Upholding Confucius Teachings” were his equals and rejoiced in the
because the Yan clan has done much company of old friends as he did in
in upholding Confucius' teachings, that of new ones. His excellence was
starting with Confucius favourite such that the Master said that Yan
student and disciple, YAN HUI. Hui was the only man he knew who
Since then, the Yan clan had could remain excellent for three (3)
produced many personalities who solid months without a break while
his other disciples could manage