Page 13 - Spec Ops Shooting E-Book Brian Morris PDF Download (Free Doc)
P. 13

Not to mention the fact that because of all that
              adrenaline that will flood your body in a real life

              crunch-time scenario, your eyes will actually lose
              their ability to focus.

              So here's a quick tip for you: next time you shoot

              a gun, instead of focusing on your sight, try and
              focus 100% ON YOUR TARGET... and then on

              the smallest point possible of the target.

              Look, I hate to do bring it to you, but the truth is
              the level of training provided by regular shooting

              instructors is no where near what it should be.

              Nowadays, most of them have gotten their
              license by completing an undeveloped 2 day


              No wonder the number of so-called certified

              coaches has skyrocketed recently.

              These facts alone should make you wonder:

              What is the quality of an instructor's training?

              Where did he receive their certifications or
              knowledge to instruct?
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