Page 18 - Spec Ops Shooting E-Book Brian Morris PDF Download (Free Doc)
P. 18
This was the utterly-
simple shooting system
that would make anyone
face any situation with the
steel-eyed calm
confidence of a seasoned
What they saw - and what you'll see too - is a
system that focuses around your body's
unconscious movements... which allows you to
learn every new skill without any sensible effort...
This way you'll effectively rip through your
learning curve and soak up seemingly overnight
the skills others needed years to master.
The system, which Brian named "Spec Ops
Shooting: A Green Beret's Guide To Shooting
Mastery" is as you're about to see, a simple,
step by step shooting course that can help
improve anyone's shooting skills and put them on
a fast track to becoming a master marksman with
minimum fuss.