Page 17 - Spec Ops Shooting E-Book Brian Morris PDF Download (Free Doc)
P. 17
Not a long time ago, Brian went into full "monk-
mode" for a couple of weeks.
During this time he submitted himself to some
grueling hours of work sessions with a world-
class team of gun nut journalists, editors and
producers he hand-picked himself, where he
revealed all of his closely-held secrets about his
new shooting system.
Now, as I said, the members of the team Brian
assembled were no rookies... they'd been in the
field for decades, and they looked like they'd
seen and heard all.
But they were totally unprepared for the skills
and stories Brian had to show them.
And soon, they just couldn't get enough.
And even though most of them were very skilled
shooters - two of them were actually fellow ex-
military like Brian himself - when they saw what
Brian's system could do, they all agreed...