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result of COVID 19, the limitation of online “self-study” credits was
again increased to a maximum of 18 hours for purposes of completing
the certification requirements for the approved fields of law set forth in
the LSBA Plan of Legal Specialization.
o In accordance with the Supreme Court’s Order issued January 13,
2021, excess specialization hours earned in the 2019 compliance year
to be carried forward to compliance year 2020, 2021 or 2022.
o On April 27, 2021, the Louisiana Supreme Court amended its January
13, 2021 Order, and allowed board certified specialists to carry forward
up to eight (8) hours of approved specialization credits to 2022, but
only four (4) of those hours may be approved specialization “self-
study” credits.
▪ Continue to administer the Transition Into Practice (TIP) Mentoring
Program as adopted by the Louisiana Supreme Court;
LSBA continuing TIP administration. LSBA is also administering the
mandatory TIP program pursuant to the Court’s July 2020 order
permitting qualified candidates for admission to the Louisiana State
Bar to be admitted to practice without the requirement of sitting and
passing the bar examination in 2020, provided all other usual
requirements are met. Order provides in addition, qualified candidates
must complete the LSBA’s Transition Into Practice mentoring program
by 12/31/21. Qualified candidates have completed the mandatory TIP
program with the exception of one person. The LSBA Board of
Governors approved the Committee on the Profession’s
recommendation of mandatory TIP for all new admittees. That
recommendation is under consideration by the Supreme Court.
▪ Continue to operate the Fee Arbitration Program to settle fee disputes
either between attorneys or between clients and their attorneys;
LSBA continuing Fee Arbitration Program administration
▪ Continue to operate the Practice Assistance and Improvement
Program (PAIP), including the Attorney-Client Assistance Program and
Diversion Program (which includes Ethics School and Trust
Accounting School);
LSBA continuing PAIP administration
▪ Continue to administer and staff the Rules of Professional Conduct
Committee to provide input and assistance to the Louisiana Supreme
Court on ethical rules governing lawyers;
LSBA continuing to administer and staff Rules of Professional Conduct
▪ Continue to provide oversight and financial support to the Judges and
Lawyers Assistance Program;
LSBA continuing oversight and financial support of JLAP, with
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