Page 88 - 2022AprilBOG
P. 88

$300,000 allocated for FY 2020/2021 ($200,000 from general budget
                                         and $100,000 from SC funds allocated for this purpose) along with
                                         additional JLAP reporting requirements
                                     ▪  Continue to assist in the regulation of lawyer advertising by issuing
                                         Lawyer Advertising Advisory Opinions as directed by the Louisiana
                                         Supreme Court in the Rules of Professional Conduct;
                                         LSBA continuing to issue advisory opinions
                                         The Rules Committee was asked to consider amendments to improve
                                         compliance with the registration and review requirements for lawyer
                                         advertising.  The Rules Committee formed a subcommittee to consider
                                         and propose specific changes to the existing rules, and also to consult
                                         with the LSBA about creation of a searchable database that could be
                                         used by the public and the ODC to determine whether particular
                                         advertisements had been registered with the LSBA as required by
                                         Rule 7.7.  After considerable work, the subcommittee proposed two
                                         alternative rule changes to the Supreme Court for its consideration.
                                         The first set of proposed changes makes the assigned registration
                                         number “required content” of each advertisement.  The second set of
                                         proposed changes makes the assigned LSBA registration number
                                         “permissible content” of an advertisement, leaving it to the advertising
                                         lawyer’s discretion whether to include the assigned LSBA number
                                         within the advertisement.  The Court amended the lawyer advertising
                                         rules to provide that a data base of all advertisements and unsolicited
                                         written communications that have been filed with the LSBA shall be
                                         made readily available to and searchable by the public.  Also, all “non-
                                         exempt” advertisements and unsolicited written communications shall
                                         contain a “filing number” visible on the communication with the LSBA
                                         providing the number at the time of filing pursuant to RPC 7.7.  This is
                                         in response to Senate Concurrent Resolution 57 of the 2020 Regular
                                         Legislative Session, which requested the implementation of a lawyer
                                         advertisement review recognition program. LSBA created database
                                         and process. Database went live on December 29, 2021. Fine
                                         tuning/review of uploading process ongoing.
                                         Continue to secure funding for and administer the Client Assistance
                                         Fund to compensate clients who lose money due to lawyers’ dishonest
                                         LSBA continuing to administer fund and affiliate Foundation
                                     ▪  Continue to maintain and provide training for the statewide uniform
                                         case management system for Louisiana Legal Services Corporations
                                         and pro bono providers;
                                     ▪  Assume administration of the Court Interpreters Program;
                                         Awaiting referral of program from the Court
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