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          2024-2025 Proposed Budget
          Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025                                                              Page 2

                                                            2022-2023       2023-2024      2023-2024       2024 - 2025
          EXPENSES                                          ACTUAL          BUDGET          ACTUAL        PROPOSED

                                                          AS OF 06/30/23  AS AMENDED     AS OF 12/31/23    BUDGET
                                  A                            B               C               D               E
            1 President                                        26,174.96      35,000.00       21,549.55       32,000.00
            2 President-Elect                                  17,572.05      25,000.00        9,762.46       25,000.00
            3 Immediate Past President                          8,574.62      11,000.00       11,047.38       11,000.00
            4 President-Elect Designee                          2,304.77       5,000.00        1,049.44        5,000.00
            5 Secretary                                         4,349.07       3,500.00          726.48        3,500.00
            6 Treasurer                                         1,041.74       1,500.00          451.96        3,500.00
            7 Board of Governors                              137,077.58     125,000.00       38,429.43      140,000.00
              Strategic Planning                                                                              30,000.00
            8 House of Delegates                               20,079.95      30,000.00           38.74       30,000.00
            9 Supreme Court Liaison                             3,927.36       5,000.00        3,048.25       10,000.00
           10 Young Lawyers Division                          104,234.71     105,000.00       20,188.52      125,000.00
           11 Nominations & Elections                          13,549.89      15,000.00       12,806.94       15,000.00
           12 Legislative Monitoring                               0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00
           13 Leadership LSBA Committee                        21,862.90      22,000.00       17,505.26       23,000.00
           14 Membership Surveys                                 186.00          200.00            0.00          350.00
           15 Committees                                        7,295.15       8,000.00        3,067.56        8,000.00
           16 Telephone                                         1,384.36       1,600.00          615.94        1,600.00
           17 Supplies                                           983.39        2,000.00          267.08        2,000.00
           18 Executive Director - Expenses                    19,493.80      21,000.00       14,175.31       20,000.00
           19 Personnel                                       435,997.74     448,500.00      226,549.80      472,000.00
                                                              826,090.04     864,300.00      381,280.10      956,950.00

           20 Bar Briefs                                         623.79          600.00          369.95          650.00
           21 Louisiana Bar Journal                           188,406.84     190,000.00      101,238.70      190,000.00
           22 Unrelated Business Income Tax                        0.00        5,000.00            0.00        5,000.00
           23 Telephone                                         1,292.56       1,500.00          551.54        1,500.00
           24 Supplies                                          1,305.78       1,500.00          294.49        1,500.00
           25 Professional Dues and Subscriptions                405.00          675.00          540.00          675.00
           26 Communications Director - Expenses                5,099.12       5,000.00        2,347.12        5,000.00
           27 Personnel                                       399,418.82     455,000.00      214,582.48      473,000.00
                                                              596,551.91     659,275.00      319,924.28      677,325.00
           28 Annual Diversity Conclave Program                66,346.46      68,000.00       66,720.92       70,000.00
           29 Local Bar Outreach                               22,865.46      31,000.00        9,775.68       36,000.00
           30 Departmental Projects                            27,393.27      33,155.00       12,017.61       27,500.00
           31 Printing & Postage                                 145.00          200.00           37.80          200.00
           32 Telephone                                         1,892.35       2,450.00          839.07        2,450.00
           33 Supplies                                          2,288.84       2,000.00        1,481.49        2,200.00
           34 Professional Dues & Subscriptions                 1,505.00         995.00          945.00        1,650.00
           35 Staff Travel & Training                           9,593.95      11,000.00        6,506.92       11,000.00
           36 Personnel                                       278,223.07     313,000.00      145,988.24      323,000.00
                                                              410,253.40     461,800.00      244,312.73      474,000.00
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30