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          2024-2025 Proposed Budget
          Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025                                                              Page 3

                                                            2022-2023       2023-2024      2023-2024       2024 - 2025
          EXPENSES                                          ACTUAL          BUDGET          ACTUAL        PROPOSED
                                                          AS OF 06/30/23  AS AMENDED     AS OF 12/31/23    BUDGET
                                  A                            B               C               D               E
           37 Annual Meeting/Summer School                    314,110.36     310,000.00           81.21      325,000.00
           38 Midyear Meeting                                  33,495.20      38,000.00        1,022.65       35,000.00
           39 Bar Admissions Ceremonies                            0.00          250.00          123.03          300.00
           40 Memorial Exercises                                 795.43          600.00          401.43          600.00
           41 Senior Lawyers Division                           1,965.54         250.00            0.16          500.00
           42 Committees                                        1,444.71       4,000.00        2,416.44        3,500.00
           43 We the People (   0.00            0.00            0.00        5,000.00
           44 Telephone                                         1,370.17       1,800.00          649.61        1,800.00
           45 Supplies                                           346.55          500.00          118.73          500.00
           46 Personnel                                       180,310.49     200,000.00       91,810.21      201,000.00
                                                              533,838.45     555,400.00       96,623.47      573,200.00
              MANDATORY CLE
           47 Travel                                            3,607.83       2,500.00            0.00        5,000.00
           48 Telephone                                         1,769.24       2,500.00          868.70        2,500.00
           49 Postage & Printing                                1,933.00       4,000.00          336.50        3,000.00
           50 Supplies                                          3,877.31       5,000.00        2,551.79        5,000.00
           51 Personnel                                       319,310.97     333,000.00      172,368.18      342,000.00
                                                              330,498.35     347,000.00      176,125.17      357,500.00
              ACCESS TO JUSTICE
           52    Professional Dues & Subscriptions              3,083.18       3,475.00        2,435.00        3,675.00
           53    Committee Projects                            11,864.88      13,000.00        5,383.01       15,500.00
           54    Training Programs                              2,686.66       5,700.00            0.00       10,500.00
           55    Travel                                         9,971.13       5,500.00          555.50        6,000.00
           56    Supplies                                       3,019.43       2,000.00          380.66        2,000.00
           57    Printing & Postage                              326.44          500.00           40.95          500.00
           58    Telephone                                      1,959.88       3,000.00          865.30        2,500.00
           59    Louisiana Justice Community Conference        27,500.00      28,000.00       28,236.65       32,000.00
           60    Criminal Justice Conference                    1,500.00           0.00            0.00        4,000.00
           61    Access to Justice Conclave                                   11,000.00            0.00       10,000.00
           62    Pro Bono and Children's Awards Programs        7,523.24       8,000.00            0.00        8,000.00
           63    Legal Innovators for Tomorrow Program          7,253.13       6,300.00        3,320.06       10,000.00
           64    Intern Stipends                               12,000.00      12,000.00            0.00       12,000.00
           65    Committees                                      638.27        1,200.00            0.00        2,500.00
           66    Personnel                                    549,911.16     619,000.00      292,372.74      652,000.00
                                                              639,237.40     718,675.00      333,589.87      771,175.00
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