Page 28 - BOGManual_2024April
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          2024-2025 Proposed Budget
          Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025                                                              Page 5

                                                            2022-2023       2023-2024      2023-2024       2024 - 2025
          EXPENSES                                          ACTUAL          BUDGET          ACTUAL        PROPOSED
                                                          AS OF 06/30/23  AS AMENDED     AS OF 12/31/23    BUDGET
                                  A                            B               C               D               E
                Lawyer Advertising/Ethics Advisory Service:
           97     Postage                                       2,345.61       2,500.00        1,169.57        2,500.00
           98     Telephone                                     1,487.59       2,100.00          721.50        2,100.00
           99     Committee                                     6,074.97       6,000.00        2,563.44        6,000.00
          100     Travel                                         915.54        7,000.00          322.71        7,000.00
          101     Supplies                                      5,282.41       5,000.00        2,332.44        5,000.00
          102     Personnel                                   444,916.03     507,700.00      215,767.06      463,000.00
                                                              461,022.15     530,300.00      222,876.72      485,600.00
          103 Database Management Software                     58,677.07      56,000.00       32,096.49       56,000.00
          104 Security                                                        15,000.00       10,693.76       15,000.00
          105 Technology Upgrades                              59,334.88      58,000.00        9,790.21       58,000.00
          106 Computer Supplies & Service                      20,583.05      23,000.00        8,814.00       35,000.00
          107 Internet Access                                  13,818.54      12,000.00        4,957.00       14,000.00
          108                                          2,984.62       4,600.00        1,342.29        4,000.00
          109 Solace Project                                    1,850.33       2,500.00        1,195.63        2,500.00
          110 Video Conferencing                                2,938.88       4,000.00        3,015.48        4,000.00
          111 Telephone                                         2,261.48       3,500.00        1,090.54        3,500.00
          112 Supplies                                           366.90          550.00            0.00          550.00
          113 Hurricane Evacuation                                 0.00            0.00            0.00        4,000.00
          114 IT Director - Expenses                            3,357.10       5,000.00          519.08        5,000.00
          115 Personnel                                       383,801.74     404,000.00      197,825.57      422,500.00
                                                              549,974.59     588,150.00      271,340.05      624,050.00
              MEMBERSHIP and FINANCE
          116 Stationery & Printing                            22,987.76      24,000.00        2,684.60       24,000.00
          117 Postage                                          24,063.33      26,000.00        4,046.14       26,000.00
          118 Professional Services                            85,930.97     100,000.00       50,399.75      108,000.00
          119 Telephone                                          731.86        1,200.00          430.49        1,200.00
          120 Supplies                                         (3,691.97)        800.00          168.68          800.00
          121 Membership & Finance Director Travel & Training   2,195.82       1,500.00          436.64        4,000.00
          122 Personnel                                       487,132.80     513,000.00      243,902.39      550,000.00
                                                              619,350.57     666,500.00      302,068.69      714,000.00
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