Page 71 - BOGManual_2022November_Neat
P. 71

Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, Inc.
                                                 Budget vs. Actual

                                     For the Period July 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022

                                                  Actual as of  Budget as of  Over/(Under)   Actual as of   Total FY23
                                                    8/31/22      8/31/22     Budget           8/31/21       Budget
      4000 Monitoring Fees                                      6,050              7,000                  (950)              1,998            42,000
      4100 Grants & Contributions                                                 -
         4101 La. Bar Assoc.                                  75,000            75,000                        -            75,000          300,000
         4102 Judiciary funds                                 10,313            10,312                       1            10,313            61,872
         4104 Private Contributions                                145                     -                   145                     -                     -
         4105 LSBA Voluntary Donations                             685              7,000               (6,315)                 575            16,000
         4106 KRW                                                                 -                        -          100,000
      Total 4100 Grants & Contributions                       86,143            92,312               (6,169)            85,888          477,872
      4500 Other Income
         4501 Interest Income                                          -                     -                        -                     -                     -
      Total 4500 Other Income                                          -                     -                        -                     -                     -
   Total Revenue                                              92,193            99,312               (7,119)            87,885          519,872

         Total Salary & Benefits                              49,121            68,334             (19,213)            58,525          410,353

      5000 Program Services
         5200 Mental Health Services
            5201 JLAP Sponsored Mental Health Therapy                       -                 833                  (833)                 500              5,000
            5202 JLAP Library                                          -                 167                  (167)                 238              1,000
         Total 5200 Mental Health Services                             -              1,000               (1,000)                 738              6,000
         5210 Professional Devlp Seminars
            5211 CoLap Seminar                                         -                     -                        -                 775                     -
            5212 ABA Annual & MidYr Meetings                           -                     -                        -                   75                     -
            5214 Clinical Continuing Education                         -                 167                  (167)                 200              1,000
            5216 National Clinical Conferences                  1,268              2,250                  (982)                     -            13,500
            5218 National Legal Conferences                        872              1,000                  (128)                     -              6,000
         Total 5210 Professional Devlp Seminars                 2,140              3,417               (1,277)              1,050            20,500
         5220 Educational Programs
            5221 Speaking Engagements                                  -                 583                  (583)                     -              3,500
            5222 Annual Camp JLAP                                      -                     -                        -            15,500
            5223 LSBA Summer School                                    -                     -                        -                     -              4,500
            5224 JLAP Monitor Training                                 -                 300                  (300)              1,200
            5225 Law School Education and Outreach                       -                 100                  (100)              1,000
            5226 Zoom Video Communications                             -                   38                    (38)                 225
            5227 Law Firm Outreach                                              83                    (83)                 500
         Total 5220 Educational Programs                               -              1,104               (1,104)                     -            26,425
         5230 Individual Services Provided
            5231 Interventions & Intervention Training                       -                 250                  (250)              1,500
            5234 Treatment Center Inspections                          -                 500                  (500)                 531              3,000
            5235 Meetings with LSBA and LASC                         76                   83                      (7)                     6                 500
            5236 Disciplinary Hearings                                 -                   83                    (83)                 239                 500
            5239 BOD Travel                                            -                   83                    (83)                 500
         Total 5230 Individual Services Provided                     76              1,000                  (924)                 777              6,000

                                                  No Assurance Provided
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76