Page 24 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 24

Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation. Before
             BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2024-2025                                  joining Jones Walker, he served as a judicial extern for
                Board of Governors  2024-25
                                                                           the Louisiana Supreme Court.
           J. Christopher Zainey, Jr.                                         Ryan has served on the Louisiana State Bar Asso-
           First Board District                                            ciation’s (LSBA) Board of Governors (2021-22) and
             J. Christopher (Chris) Zainey, Jr. is a partner with          the LSBA Young Lawyers Division’s (YLD) Council
           Lambert Zainey Smith & Soso, PLC, in New Orleans.               (2015-23),  also  serving  as  chair  of  the  LSBA YLD
           Upon graduation from Loyola University College of               (2021-22)  and  as  the  delegate  to  the American  Bar
           Law in 2008, he served as a federal judicial law clerk          Association’s (ABA) House of Delegates (2019-20).
           to Judge James J. Brady of the U.S. District Court for   J. Christopher   He was a member of the 2014-15 Leadership LSBA
           the Middle District of Louisiana. Since entering pri-  Zainey, Jr.  Class. He received the LSBA YLD Chair’s Award in
           vate  practice,  his  practice  has  focused  primarily  on     2016 and 2018 and was named as a 2017 Louisiana
           representing plaintiffs in maritime personal injury and         Bar Foundation Fellow for his role in leading various
           Jones Act  cases,  wrongful  death  cases,  catastrophic        access-to-justice initiatives. He has served on the LS-
           personal injury cases and complex tort litigation.              BA’s Access to Justice Committee, MCLE Committee
             Zainey served as chair of the Louisiana State Bar             and CLE Committee, and was a council member for
           Association’s (LSBA) Community Action Committee                 the Louisiana State Law Institute and a board member
           and is a member of the Nominating Committee and                 for the Louisiana Center for Law and Civic Education.
           a former member of the House of Delegates. He is a                 He was named to the 2020 Leadership in Law Class
           regular lecturer discussing maritime law updates for            by New Orleans CityBusiness and to the 2018 “40 Under
           the LSBA’s Annual Meeting and is a regular panel-  Graham H. Ryan  40” Class by Gambit Weekly. In 2018, he was honored
           ist for the LSBA’s Admiralty Law Symposium in New               by the ABA as a “Top 40 Young Lawyer” nationally.
           Orleans every fall. He frequently lectures and/or mod-          He also was named a Fellow of the Loyola Institute of
           erates legal panels for various organizations, including        Politics and is a graduate of Leadership Louisiana and
           the Louisiana Association for Justice (where he serves          the New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute.
           on the Board of Governors and co-chairs the Member-                In his community, Ryan is president of the Lakev-
           ship Committee), the Federal Bar Association (where             iew  Crime  Prevention  District  and  a  board  member
           he serves on the board of directors), Loyola University         of Lakeview Civic. He is a former chair of HandsOn
           College of Law and Tulane University Law School, on             New Orleans, a nonprofit volunteer center founded af-
           topics including federal practice and procedure, pro-           ter Hurricane Katrina that engaged more than 60,000
           fessionalism, maritime law, oral arguments and envi-  Jeffrey G. Lagarde  volunteers to rebuild south Louisiana. He serves on
           ronmental toxic torts, as well as teaching with the trial       the United Way Campaign Cabinet. He is an attorney
           advocacy summer program at Louisiana State Univer-              volunteer and board member of the Pro Bono Project.
           sity Paul M. Hebert Law Center. He has been recog-                 Ryan and his wife Erin are the parents of two boys.
           nized by Louisiana Super Lawyers and the National                  Ste. 5100, 201 St. Charles Ave.
           Trial Lawyers Top 100 for the past several years.                  New Orleans, LA 70170
             701 Magazine St., New Orleans, LA 70130                          (504)582-8370 • fax (504)589-8370
             (504)581-1750 • fax (504)529-2931                                email:
             website:                                Jeffrey G. Lagarde
                                                                           Second Board District
           Graham H. Ryan                                                     Jeffrey G. Lagarde is an attorney in the Metairie of-
           First Board District                                            fice of Staines, Eppling & Kenney, LLC. His practice
             Graham H. Ryan is a partner in the New Orleans                is  focused  on  litigation,  including  products  liability,
           office of Jones Walker LLP, where he litigates com-             redhibition,  defense  of  excess  carriers  and  maritime
           plex  commercial  disputes  in  all  stages  of  litigation,    matters. He received his undergraduate degree from
           appeals,  arbitration  and  regulatory  proceedings.  He        Louisiana  State  University  and  his  JD  degree  from
           advises  clients  in  the  technology,  banking,  energy,       Mississippi College School of Law (Dean’s List and
           construction and healthcare industries in developing            AmJur Award for highest score in civil law property).
           and executing litigation strategies designed to achieve         He was admitted to practice in Louisiana in 2008.
           client business objectives. He is nationally recognized            Lagarde  serves  on  the  board  of  directors  of  St.
           in artificial intelligence (AI) law and Section 230, hav-       Stanislaus High School in Bay St. Louis, Miss., has
           ing been published in the Harvard Journal of Law and            served on the St. Tammany advisory board for a re-
           Technology Digest, featured in the Wall Street Journal          gional credit union and has been active in the local
           and designated as an AI Governance Professional by              Inns of Court chapter and local bar associations.
           the International Association of Privacy Professionals.            1213 Taft Park, Metairie, LA 70001
             He  graduated,  summa cum laude,  in  business                   (504)838-0019 • fax (504)838-0043
           finance from Louisiana State University, received his              email:
           law  degree  from  LSU  Paul  M.  Hebert  Law  Center              website:
           (Louisiana Law Review),  and  is  an  alumnus  of  the
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