Page 27 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 27
Senae D. Hall Brian A. Jackson of the U.S. District Court for the
Eighth Board District Middle District of Louisiana.
Senae D. Hall is an assistant district attorney in the Amond received her JD degree, magna cum laude,
Caddo Parish District Attorney’s Office in Shreveport. in 2016 from Louisiana State University Paul M. He-
She is the Human Trafficking Victims Diversion coor- bert Law Center. She was editor-in-chief of the Louisi-
dinator. She also works with the STAR Court Program ana Law Review, chaired the SBA’s Ethics Board and
in Caddo Parish Juvenile Court to combat human traf- was the 3L representative of the Diversity and Inclu-
ficking issues. She received a BA degree in mass com- sion Committee.
munications in 2008 from Dillard University and her JD Before law school, she taught second and third
degree in 2011 from Southern University Law Center. Senae D. Hall grades in New Orleans charter schools.
She was admitted to practice in Louisiana in 2011. She served as the Louisiana State Bar Association
Hall served as the 2023-24 chair, the 2022-23 chair- Young Lawyers Division chair-elect in 2023-24 and
elect, the 2021-22 secretary and as an at-large repre- as secretary in 2022-23. She was elected to two terms
sentative on the Louisiana State Bar Association’s as the District 1 representative on the Young Lawyers
(LSBA) Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Council. Division Council.
She is currently the YLD Council’s immediate past She also serves on the board of the New Orleans
chair. She was a member of the 2018-19 Leadership Federal Bar Association Younger Lawyers Division
LSBA Class and served on the LSBA YLD Awards and is an alumna of the New Orleans Regional Lead-
Committee for two years. She also volunteered as a ership Institute and a Council for a Better Louisiana’s
mock trial competition judge from 2017-21. Kristen D. Amond Leadership Louisiana program.
She is a member of the Shreveport Bar Association She was an adjunct professor at Tulane University
(SBA), the Louisiana District Attorneys Association and teaching “The Media and the First Amendment” and
the Harry V. Booth/Judge Henry A. Politz American Inn teaches a course at LSU Law’s Apprenticeship Week
of Court. She is currently the at-large member for the each year with Judge Susie Morgan.
SBA’s Young Lawyers Section. She served as the Social She was named as one of the American Bar Asso-
Media chair from 2021-23 and the Law Week Chair for ciation’s Top 40 Young Lawyers in America in 2022
2023 for the SBA’s Young Lawyers Section and the trea- and has been recognized in the 2021-2024 editions of
surer for the SBA’s Women’s Section in 2022. Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch and 2022-2024 editions
Hall was recognized as a 2021-2024 “Top Attor- of Louisiana Super Lawyers: Rising Stars.
ney” by SB Magazine and was selected for the 2020-21 Amond looks forward to traveling the world with
Dillard University’s “40 Under 40” list. She also was Jeffrey A. Riggs her wife, Nancia Sterling.
selected for the Shreveport Chamber of Commerce’s 3640 Magazine St., New Orleans, LA 70115
2021 “40 Under 40” Class. She is a member of Alpha (504)556-5523 • fax (504)556-5523
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. email:
In her community, she is a judge for the Volunteers
for Youth Justice’s Teen Court Program and volunteers Jeffrey A. Riggs
for various community service projects. Every year, At-Large Member
she organizes a service project or fundraiser for her Jeffrey A. Riggs is a partner in the Lafayette office
birthday to give back to her community. of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP. He received
501 Texas St., 5th Flr., Shreveport, LA 71101 his BS degree in 1983 from Indiana University and
(318)226-6832 • fax (318)841-5533 his JD degree in 1986 from Indiana University School
email: of Law (Indiana Law Review; Dean Frandsen Award;
Moot Court Award). He was admitted to practice in
Kristen D. Amond Louisiana in 1986 and in Texas in 2005.
Chair, Young Lawyers Division Riggs served in the Louisiana State Bar Associa-
Kristen D. Amond is an attorney in New Orleans tion’s House of Delegates (9th and 15th Judicial Dis-
(Kristen Amond, LLC), practicing in federal and state tricts) for many years (ending in 2020) and was a
courts in Louisiana. She represents businesses of all member of the House of Delegates Liaison Committee
sizes in all forms of business disputes and is outside in 2007-08, 2010-13 and 2017-20. He is a member of
general counsel to small businesses and start-ups. She the Client Assistance Fund Committee and the Unau-
has represented bankruptcy trustees, plan administra- thorized Practice of Law Committee. He is a member
tors, receivers in complex litigation and investors in of the Lafayette Bar Association.
securities fraud lawsuits. She also is a trained media- Riggs and his wife, Colin Neblett Riggs, have been
tor. She is a member of the civil pro bono panels for married for 35 years. He is the father of four children.
the Eastern and Middle Districts of Louisiana and vol- Ste. 300, 100 E. Vermilion St.
unteers her professional time to represent plaintiffs in Lafayette, LA 70501-6939
civil rights cases. (337)326-5777 • fax (337)504-3341
She served as a clerk to Judge Susie Morgan of the email:
U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Louisi- website:
ana. In law school, she served as an intern for Judge