Page 26 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 26
Kelly M. Rabalais Amy J. Miller
Fifth Board District Seventh Board District
Kelly M. Rabalais is vice president of communi- Amy J. Miller is the owner/attorney in Amy Miller
cations and strategy for St. Tammany Health System. Attorney at Law in Ruston, with a general practice in-
She received a BA degree in political science in 1996 cluding civil litigation, business law, contracts, prop-
from Louisiana State University, her JD degree in erty and mineral rights, workers’ compensation, estate
1999 from LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center and her planning and successions. She also is an assistant
master’s degree in health administration from LSUS in district attorney in the 3rd Judicial District (Lincoln
2022. In 2022, she became a health law specialist, cer- and Union parishes). She received her undergraduate
tified by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization. Kelly M. Rabalais degree, cum laude, in English in 2009 from Louisiana
She is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare State University-Shreveport and her JD degree and
Executives and is certified by the Public Relations So- graduate diploma in comparative law in 2013 from
ciety of America. Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Cen-
Rabalais was elected to the Louisiana State Bar ter. She was admitted to practice in Louisiana in 2013
Association’s Nominating Committee in 2018, 2019, and in Arkansas in 2022.
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 and is a member of Miller is a former Louisiana State Bar Association
the Louisiana Bar Journal’s Editorial Board. House of Delegates member, representing the 3rd Ju-
She is serving a 2023-25 term on the Lawyer Disci- dicial District. She is a member of the Lincoln Par-
plinary Committee of the U.S. District Court, Eastern ish Bar Association, the Louisiana District Attorneys
District of Louisiana. She served as 2017 and 2018 Association and the Louisiana Bankers Association
Women in Law chair and 2019 Community Outreach Barry M Barnett (Bank Counsel Section).
chair for the 22nd Judicial District Bar Association. In her community, she is a member of the Friends
She received the 2016 BGR (Bureau of Governmen- of the Lincoln Parish Library, a sustainer for the Junior
tal Research) Excellence in Government Merit Award League of Monroe and a member of Trinity Methodist
and the Louisiana State Bar Association 2021 Stephen Church in Ruston.
T. Victory Memorial Award. She and her husband, Brock Miller, have been mar-
In her community, she is a member of the Safe Ha- ried for seven years and are the parents of a son.
ven Foundation and a member of the board of direc- 210 W. Florida Ave., Ruston, LA 71270
tors for the St. Tammany Chamber. (318)469-2904 • fax (318)254-8223
She and her husband, J. Michael Rabalais, Jr., have been email: and
married for 27 years and are the parents of two children. Amy J. Miller website:
1202 South Tyler St., Covington, LA 70433
Barry M. Barnett
Sixth Board District
Barry M. Barnett is a partner in the firm of LaCroix,
Levy & Barnett, LLC, in Alexandria. He handles per-
sonal injury cases, with more than 30 years of experi-
ence in that practice area. He received his BS degree in
business in 1981 from the University of New Orleans
and his JD degree in 1986 from Louisiana State Uni-
versity Paul M. Hebert Law Center. He was admitted
to practice in Louisiana in 1986.
Barnett is a member of the American Bar Associa-
tion, the Louisiana Association for Justice and the Al-
exandria Bar Association (president, 2005-06).
He and his wife, Amanda Barnett, have been mar-
ried for 38 years and are the parents of four children.
Ste. B, 1101 Bolton Ave., Alexandria, LA 71301
(318)443-7615 • fax (318)443-0074