Page 287 - 2024 Orientation Manual
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Leadership LSBA Webpage
               The webpage features information related to class admission and requirements and  provides
               information on past class projects.

               LSBA members can keep apprised of the activities of the class at:

               Class Project: 2023-24

               The 2023-24  Leadership  LSBA Class  created a PowerPoint presentation that incorporated an
               activity titled No Vehicles in the Park. The outreach presentation is titled Demystifying the Legal
               Profession and focuses on providing students with a clear and engaging introduction to the legal
               profession regarding what attorneys do, the path to becoming a lawyer, and the requirements for
               entering the field. The goal of the presentation is to aid high school students to make informed
               decisions about their future career paths. The incorporated activity No Vehicles in the Park is meant
               to encourage students to “think like a lawyer” and think about how laws and made, enforced,
               defended, and sometimes changed.


               Outreach Tour by President and President-elect
               The LSBA is engaged in a state-wide outreach effort to intentionally bring the Association to
               lawyers outside of the New Orleans area, especially those living and practicing above I-12.  The
               activities of the LSBA President and President-elect encompasses many of the outreach activities
               listed below.

               Member Outreach CLE Series
               A CLE seminar  titled  LSBA: Who We  Are and  How We Serve Our Members  has been made
               available to local and specialty bar associations to educate LSBA members about the association
               and the services it provides. It is approved for one (1) hour of Professionalism credit.

               Outreach Committee
               Shermin S. Khan
               Amy L. Pirtle

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