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LSBA's T ravel Discounts
LSBA's Travel Discounts
for Members
for Members
By Elizabeth S. Sconzert
he Louisiana Bar Journal and I can offer from experience that the Have you used a member benefit through the LSBA?
Editorial Board, in collaboration significant discount on the room frees up Tell us about it! Contact the Outreach Committee
at with questions, comments
with the Louisiana State some room in the budget for a nicer meal, and ideas for future “Member Benefits” articles.
TBar Association’s (LSBA) spa services or both. Remember . . . you can always learn more about
Outreach Committee, continues its series While I’m touting the benefits of discounts on the LSBA’s website at
of articles highlighting benefits available the LSBA discounts, remember that the Members/DiscountBusinessServices.aspx.
to LSBA members. This article profiles LSBA has also negotiated discounts with Elizabeth S. Sconzert is a
various travel discounts. Avis and Budget. If you’re lucky enough partner in the Mandeville
to find a rental car these days, use your office of Blue Williams,
It’s been a long two years, especially LSBA discount when booking. Each of LLC. She is a member of
when Zoom and Teams meetings replaced these companies has a specific discount the Louisiana State Bar
Association’s Outreach
travel and in-person meetings. Now code, so you’ll need to check out the Committee. (esconzert@
that the travel restrictions have eased car rental tab on the LSBA website for; 1060
somewhat, clients are back in their office, the specific details. With prices as high W. Causeway Approach,
Mandeville, LA 70471)
and depositions and hearings are going as they are, I can confirm that both my
forward in person, remember that the clients (and my personal pocketbook)
LSBA has many travel discounts that can have appreciated the 20% discount. Be
provide a significant savings for you — sure to book directly through the link Other Business Discounts
both professionally and personally. on the LSBA website at: þ ABA Members Retirement —
With discounts statewide, including Members/TravelServices.aspx. (800)826-8901
luxury hotels such as the Four Seasons Do yourself a favor and peruse the
and the Ritz-Carlton, you can treat “Members Resources” tab on the LSBA
yourself to a staycation in New Orleans, website at Check out þ Avis — (800)633-3469
like my husband and I recently enjoyed, “Tools, Services and Discounts,” then Discount #A536100
with the added bonus of up to 40% off move on to the “Discount Business þ Budget Rent A Car — (800)527-0700
your nightly rate. With the Ritz-Carlton, Services” section, where you’ll see the Discount #Z855300
for example, you can use your LSBA various travel discounts link that shares þ Clio — (888)858-2546
discount online (corporate code = VUD) the hotel and rental car relationships þ CosmoLex — (866)878-6798
or call the Reservation Hotline, request that our LSBA team has created for its
the Business Travel Coordinator and ask members. It’s definitely worth a look. þ Dell — (800)999-3355 or 1-877-568-3355
for the Louisiana State Bar Association þ Gilsbar — (504)529-3505
rate. Either way, our LSBA Member (800)GIL-SBAR
Benefit Team has made the process simple, þ LawPay — (866)376-0950
þ Office Depot — (800)650-1222
þ Shop ABA — (800)285-2221
For more information on
LSBA Member discount business services,
24 Louisiana Bar Journal Vol. 65, No. 2
L ou i si a n a B a r J ou r n a l J un e / J u l Vol. 70, No. 1 www.lsba.orgg
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Louisiana Bar Journal June / July 2022y 2022