Page 329 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 329
One of the main goals of the mentoring program is not only to impart the wisdom, character
and experience ofthe older lawyers to younger attorneys, but to foster friendships and collegiality.
With that in mind, the program has held a series of mentor/mentee receptions in New Orleans,
Shreveport and Baton Rouge. There is a mentor/mentee reception held at the Supreme Cout every
Spring. There are currently 66 mentees in the TIP Program.
This is a very important program and will not only be ofgreat value to the new
admittees but will also strengthen our profession. It also shows the LSBA's continued
commitment to professionalism.
Mandatorv Mentoring For Qualifi ed Candidates/TIP Prosram
In light of the unprecedented issues facing the graduating class of 2020, the Louisiana
Supreme Court waived the written Bar Exam lor certain "Qualified Candidates," and gave them
additional requirements for admittance to the Bar. As part of their admission process, the court
ordered the mandatory participation in the Transition Into Practice (TIP) Program. The "Qualified
Candidates," as outlined in the order, were required to finish the program by December 31,2021 to
complete their emergency admission process.
There were 425 mentees in the mandatory TIP Program.