Page 333 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 333


                                  LSBA's TIP Mentoring Program                                                                                  "TlP  is a wonderrul opportunity  lor young  lawyers to benelit
                                                                                                                                                    Irom the sage advice ol more seasonsed  members ol their
                                                                                                                                                   local bar. lwish  it existed 33 years ago when  lgraduated."
                                  The TIP Program matches one mentor with one mentee,
                                                                                                                                                                                - Hon.  Mark L. Hornsby, Shrevepon
                               giving newly admitted attorneys access to veteran allorneys

                              to assist with their transition to the practice of law. During the                                                                     ffThere   are so many aspects ol the practice of

                                                      , mentees  will learn practical skills, as well as                                                            law which are nol taught  in law school. The TIP
                                                                                                                                                                     Program lills the void - I have been  a mentor
                                                                   is expected of them as a member of
                         I                                                                                                                                             since  the inception ot lhe  program,  and  I still
                                                                   State Bar Association.                                                                                     gel calls lrom  th€ lawyers  I have be€n
                                                                                                                                                                                        lorlunale snough to mentor.
                                                                                                                                                                ut              Any  hwyer wtp succesdully  compldes

                                                    BENEFITS OF COMPLETIN                                                                                                               the  TIP Program will be be(er
                                                                                                                                                                                        for it. lt will mt only make that
                                                             THE TIP PROGRAM:                                                                                                            lawyer bettet  it will  make  the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   profession  better.  "
                                      > 2 years ol CLE credit for newly admitted attorneys                                                                                                       - Robert  A. Kulcher,

                                         (new  Supreme Court Rule 3.22)                                                                                                                                       Metsirle
                                      > Extensive  Handbook with detailed plan and valuable resources
                                      > Exclusive Prolessional  Development Worksho
                                           .  Trust Accounting

                                           .                                                                     Ti     a
                          T                .  Stress  Management                                                             D      LOUISIANA  STATE

                                           .  Law Practice  Management                                            il fl    In      BAF ASSOCIATION
                                              Lawyer Advertising

                                      >  $200 TIP Bucks                                                                                                                   o*,
                                      > Personalized  Matching
                                      > Annual Reception at the Louisiana  Su preme Court
                                      > Networking opportunities

                                         How to apply?                            .^      Who will be                            .4,      When?

                                         Fill out an application  online       4                                                 !!!      The TIP Program runs on a
                              c al www.  I sba. org/men  to t i n g                        you, mentor?                                   rolling basis and your start date
                                                                                          Approved  mentors from
                                                                                                                                          is your pairing  date.  Must complete
                                         Who can apply?                                   our volunteer  pool or a                        within one year and by your
                                                                                          qualif ied mentor ol your
                               rln       Newly admitted LSBA                              choice who applies for                          MCLE deadline

                                         attorneys                                        the program

                              a          TIP Program                                                                        www. I s ba. o rg/m e nto r i n g
                              9!t!t How long?
                                                                                                                            Access all of this information  and more at
                                         One  year lo Complete
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