Page 336 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 336
Snot Mentorins
Implementation of the Spot Mentoring Program lor Lawyers was completed in June
The Committee on the Profession offers comprehensive mentoring through the TIP
"Transition Into Practice" Program to new attomeys in the first year of practice. The TIP program
ends at the completion of the mentoring requirements within l-2 years of the new attomey entering
practice. As a supplement to our formal mentoring program, an episodic or on-demand program has
been developed. Spot Mentoring allows individual and eligible LSBA attomeys to initiate contact
with a volunteer spot mentor on the numerous questions a lawyer out in the practice 2-7 years may
Examples of possible Spot Mentoring categories are Career Development (firm culture, time
management, work/life management, receiving feedback, seeking opportunities intemally and
extemally); Legal Practice Skills (writing, oral communication, negotiation, technical skills);
Professionalism (ethics, civility, integrity, elimination ofbias, system equity); Practice
Development (networking, thought leadership, client entertainment, extemal involvement); Client
Service/\,lanagement (business solutions, responsiveness, articulating client value, counseling
clients); and Family/Work Integration (parental leave, working parents, eldercare, family
The LSBA Spot Mentoring program gives 2-7 year lawyers seeking advice, guidance or
information the ability to post questions in their areas of interest. Spot mentor or mentors can reply
to the inquiry by email. If the Spot mentor lawyer agrees, the parties can even meet (in person, via
telephone or electronically) - probably just once to discuss the topic raised by the inquiring
Wellness and the Practice of Law CLE
This I hour program at the Bar Center was implemented in March 2019. This is a
low cost ($10.00) I hour CLE addressing wellness and the practice of law. Feedback about
the program has been extremely positive.
Professionalism Speakers' Workshop
This workshop is conducted yearly free ofcharge to train speakers on the topic of
Revised Code of Professionalism
The Committee on the Profession drafted a revised Code of Professionalism that was
approved by the La. Supreme Cou( in March 2018. One of the goals set forth in the LSBA's
strategic plan is to contact the leaders of all local and specialty bar associations and offer to provide
free to their members (including speakers and materials) a one-hour CLE program (including
PowerPoint) to discuss the Revised Code of Professionalism. ln 2021 the Committee on the
Profession Chair gave 17 free CLE presentations on the revised Code of Professionalism. These
lree CLE presentations are ongoing.
Client Assistance Fund
The Client Assistance Fund is a public service ofthe legal profession in Louisiana and was
created in 1962 to compensate clients who lose money due to a lawyer's dishonest conduct. Every
state has a Client Assislance Fund.