Page 340 - 2024 Orientation Manual
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05-LSBA-RPCC-003  PUBLIC Opinion (414/05) Sunender of Client File Upon Termination of
                05-LSBA-RPCC-004  PUBLIC  Opinion (414105) Safekeeping  the Property of Clients  and Third
                Parries Rule I .15(d), Rute  I .1 5(e);
                05-LSBA-RPCC-005  PUBLIC  Opinion (9127105)  Lawyer  Providing  " Hotline  " Advice  in the Walce
                of a Natural Disaster  Rule l.l, Rute 4.2, Rule 6.5, Rule 7.1, Rule 7.3;
                05-LSBA-RPCC-O06  PUBLIC Opinion (10/13/05) Client Confidentiality  vs. Subpoena/Court  Order
                to Te stifl Rr:Je  1.6(b)(6);
                05-LSBA-RPCC-007  PUBLIC Opinion  (1.1/21105)  Lowyer as a llitness Rule 3.7, Rule 1.7, Rule
                1.9, Rule 1.4(a)(5);
                06-LSBA-RPCC-008  PUBLIC Opinion  (114106) Client File Retention Rule 1.15(a);
                06-LSBA-RPCC-009  PUBLIC  Opinion  (3i li06) Funds or Property of Missing Clienr  Rule L 15,
                Rule 1.0(h), Rule 1.3;
                06-LSBA-RPCC-010  PUBLIC Opinion (6ll106) Lawyer's Duty to Report Professional  Misconduct
                ofAnother Luwyer Rule 8.3(a);
                07-LSBA-RPCC-01 I PUBLIC Opinion (2115107)  ConJlicts  of Interest  and the Psrt-Time
                Prosecutor  Rlule 1.7(a),  Rule l.l 1(d);
                07-LSBA-RPCC-012  PUBLIC Opinion  (413107) Identification  of a Law Practice  Fictitious or
                Trade  Names; Multiple Business ldentities Rule 7.1, Rule 7.4, Rule 7.5;
                07-LSBA-RPCC-013  PUBLIC  Opinion  (819107) Sharing Ofice  Space llithout Sharing Lictbilities
                and ConJlicts Rule  1 . 10, Rule I .5(e),  Rule 7.5(d);
                07-LSBA-RPCC-014  PUBLIC Opinion  (10112107)  Permissible  Communications  with Persons
                Already Represented  by Counsel Rule 4.2;
                07-LSBA-RPCC-015  PUBLIC Opinion (12120107)  Gifts to Clients Rule 7.1(c), Rule 7.2, Rule
                08-LSBA-RPCC-016  PUBLIC Opinion  (2129108)  Conflicts of Interest: Simultaneous
                Representation of Driver and Guess-Passenger  Rule 1.7, Rule 1.9;
                08-LSBA-RPCC-017  PUBLIC  Opinion (6/30/08)  Sharing Offce Space with Non-Lawyers Rule 1.6,
                Rule 1.8(a), Rule 5.3, Rule 5.4, Rule 5.5(a),  Rule 5.5(e)(3),  Rule 7.2, Rule 7.3(a);
                l2-LSBA-RPCC-018  PULIC Opinion (1130112) Sharing  Legal  Fees with Suspended or Disbarred
                Lawyers Rule 1.5, l.l5(d) and (e), and 5.5(e)(1)  and (e)(1);
                12-LSBA-RPCC-019 PUBLIC  Opinion  (11129112) Accepting Credit  Cards    for  Payment of Fees
                and Costs Rule I .4, 1.5, 1.6 and l.l5;
                16-LSBA-RPCC-020 PUBLIC Opinion  (8123116)  Communication  Regarding  Potential Malpractice
                Rule 1.4, 1.7 and I .8(h);
                1 9-LSBA-RPCC-02 I PUBLIC  Opinion  (2/61 19) Lawyer's  Use of Technologt.
                21-LSBA-RPCC-022-  PUBLIC  Opinion (8125121) Lawyer's Use of Percentage-Based Fees in
                Re  pre s e nt ing Succ  e s s ion Repre  s entative  s
                Questions,  comments or suggestions  regarding the opinions,  the publication process or the Ethics
                Advisory Service may be directed to Eric Barefield, Ethics Counsel, Louisiana  State Bar
                Association,  601 St. Chartes Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70130; direct dial:  (504)  619-0122;  fal<:
                (504) 598-67s3.

                Ethics Fridays
                       "Ethics  Fridays" is a series of seven low cost CLE's  at the LSBA Bar Center and transmitted
                online  to give members  the opportunity to attend  an hour ofethics on a variety oftopics  and assist
                members  with understanding ethics issues  and the Louisiana  Rules of Professional  Conduct. The
                first program  was March 22,2019.
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