Page 337 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 337

Types of losses  covered
                       Basically, the fund can reimburse clients  up to $50,000 for thefts by a lawyer. It covers
                money or property lost because  a lawyer was dishonest (not because the lawyer acted incompetently
                or failed to take a certain action). To qualifu for the fund, clients must be able to show  that the
                money or property  came into the lawyer's hands.
                       The fund does not pay interest nor does it pay for any damages done as a result oflosing
                your money. For example, ifa lawyer takes money that should have been used to prevent a
                foreclosure  on your house, the fund can repay  you for the lost money but not the lost house.
                       The fund will reimburse  fees only in limited  cases. If the lawyer did no work,  fees may be
                covered by the fund. Fees  are not reimbursable  simply because  someone  is dissatisfied  with the
                services  or because  the work was not completed.  For example, if the lawyer consulted with the
                client and/or appeared in court on the client's  behalf,  prepared  correspondence  or reviewed  and filed
                documents, fees may not be reimbursable  under the fund's rules.
                       Almost anyone  who has lost money due to a lawyer's dishonesty can apply for
                reimbursement. You do not have to be a United State citizen.  However,  if you are the spouse  or
                other close relative ofthe lawyer in question, or the lawyer's business  partner, employer  or
                employee, or a business controlled by the lawyer,  the fund will not pay you reimbursement. Also,
                the fund will not reimburse for losses suffered by govemment  entities  or agencies.

                Who decides if an aDI)lication will be naid?
                       The Client Assistance  Fund Committee  decides  whether you qualift  for reimbursement  from
                the fund, and, if so, whether part or all of your application will be paid. The committee  is not
                obligated to pay any claim; disbursements from the fund are at the sole discretion  of the committee.
                The committee  is made up of volunteer  lawyers  who investigate  all claims.  The Commiuee  Chair
                establishes  panels of committee  members  to review claims  and render  written  reports regarding
                pending claims. Panel recommendations are reviewed  by the full Committee.
                       Because the Client Assistance  Fund Committee  requires proof that the lawyer dishonestly
                took your money or property,  applicants must register a complaint against  the lawyer with the
                lawyer  discipline  system,  ifthey  have not already done so.
                       In considering  claims, the Client Assistance  Fund looks at many factors including  the
                       - The negligence, ifany, ofthe Applicant  which contributed  to the loss.
                       - The comparative  hardship ofthe Applicant  suffered by the loss.
                       - The total amount of Reimbursable  Losses in previous  years for which total
                       reimbursement  has not been made and the total assets ofthe Fund.
                       - The total amount of Reimbursable  Losses of the Applicant  and other clients  ofany one
                       Lawyer or association of Lawyers.
                       - The Committee  may, in its sole discretion,  allow further reimbursement  of a Reimbursable
                       Loss allowed  by it at a prior time with respect to a loss which has not been fully reimbursed;
                       provided such further reimbursement  would not be inconsistent  or in conflict with any
                       previous  determination  with respect to such a loss.
                       - No reimbursement  shall be made to any Applicant,  a summary of whose claim has not
                       been submitted to the members  in accordance  with Paragraph  V, Subparagraph  4, ofthese
                       Rules of Procedure. No reimbursement  shall be made to any Applicant  unless  said
                       reimbursement  is approved by a majority  vote of the Committee  at a duly held meeting at
                       which a quorum  is present.
                       - The loss to be paid to any on Applicant  shall not exceed Fifty Thousand ($50,000)  Dollars.

                       There are cunently 54 applications  pending  before the committee.
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