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Lawyer Advertising

                       On June 26,2008,  the Supreme  Court ofLouisiana signed  an Order repealing  and reenacting
                the Rule 7 series of Article XVI of the Articles of Incorporation of the Louisiana State Bar
                Association,  i.e., the lawyer advertising  and solicitation  rules within the Louisiana  Rules of
                Professional Conduct. The Court's Order effectively  adopted-nearly  verbatim-the  wriuen
                recommendations  made to the Court  in June 2007 by the LSBA with the overwhelming  approval of
                the LSBA House  ofDelegates. The Court's June 26th Order indicated  the new Rules would become
                effective on December  1, 2008. However,  the Court deferred that elfective  date, first to April  1,
                2009 and, then again on February  18, 2009, to October l, 2009, in light of constitutional challenges
                that were raised in the federal courts. With the signing  ofthe Court's June 26th Order, the LSBA
                proceeded  to educate and prepare  our 20,000-plus  members  regarding  these new Rules.  The LSBA
                began accepting and evaluating  advance  filings of lawyer advertising  since July I  ,  2008.
                       Within the text of Rule 7.7, the Court has specifically  assigned  and delegated  to the LSBA
                Rules of Professional  Conduct Committee  (or any subcommittee  designated  by that Committee)  the
                following tasks: 1) to evaluate  all advertisements filed with the Committee  for compliance  with the
                Rules goveming lawyer advertising  and solicitation  and to provide advisory  opinions conceming
                compliance  with those Rules to the respective filing lawyers;  2) to develop  a handbook on lawyer
                advertising  for the guidance of and dissemination  to the members  of the LSBA;  and 3) to
                recommend, from time to time, such amendments  to the Rules of Professional  Conduct  as the
                Committee  may deem advisable.
                       The Committee  also developed a set of Intemal Operating  Procedures  (published/available
                on LSBA.ORG)  and, therein,  delegated  the day-to-day  operation  and administration of the lawyer
                advertising  filing and evaluation  process to LSBA Ethics  Counsel, with Ethics  Counsel and staff
                performing evaluation  of all simple/routine/repetitive hlings. In the event that Ethics  Counsel
                determines  that a filing would be more appropriately  processed with the
                consultation/guidance/assistance  of others,  the LSBA Ethics Advisory Service/Advertising
                Advisory Subcommittee  and/or an Advertising  Executive  Review Group of the Rules of
                Professional  Conduct Committee  are available to perform evaluations ofthose filings referred to
                them by Ethics  Counsel.
                       The LSBA also maintains  an up-to-date Lawyer Advertising  web page, containing all
                pertinent  information,  interactive  onJine filing forms,  the full text of the new Rules and the
                Handbook  and pertinent contact information httn://www.lsba ore/lawy
                As of January  2022 the LSBA maintains  a LSBA Lawyer Advertising  Filing Search tool which can
                be used to view advertisements filed with the LSBA. The uploading  of advertisements to the
                database  is ongoing.

                LSBA WRBSITE
                .  Lauyer Advertising  Rules, effective  l0-01-2009  (**as amended  through  01-22-2022)
                .  LSBA Handbook  on Lawyer Advertising  and Solicitation  (Second Edition, November 2022)
                .  Intemal Operating  Procedures  (Revised  October 2022)
                .  History of LSBA Proposal for the new Rules

                Lawver  Advertisins & Solicitation  Rules  -  as Effective l0l0ll2009

                Under Rule 7.7, lawyers  are obligated to file ALL non-exempt  advertisements and unsolicited
                written  communications  with the LSBA Rules of Professional  Conduct Committee,  through  LSBA
                Ethics  Counsel, prior to or concurrent with first use/dissemination  of the
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