Page 463 - 2024 Orientation Manual
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consequences of incarceration and increase access to free and
affordable legal representation for people returning home after
o Committee completed brochure on new child support law
affecting noncustodial incarcerated parents approved by DCFS
and DOC.
o Building Bridges coordinated with OMV and DOC to release a
provisional driver’s license pamphlet, to be distributed to people
returning from prison statewide.
o Working with DOC to facilitate work of Louisiana Prisoner Re-
Entry Initiatives Implementation Steering Team for Legal Needs
to address various civil legal needs of reentry population.
o Modest Means Committee finalized and published Limited
Scope Representation Toolkit with new on-demand CLE for
attorneys. Working to address attorney concerns drafting
pleading for self-represented litigants.
o Modest Means Committee members creating short videos for
attorneys to increase attorney involvement on the Directory.
o Met with Clerks of Court in Rapides and Caddo Parishes to
discuss opportunities for assistance from the SRL Committee.
o SRL Committee continues to coordinate and distribute COVID-
and disaster-related resources.
o Worked closely with Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic
Violence to identify Clerks of Court providing notarial services
for self-represented litigants filing protective orders and
restraining orders. A bill was passed during the 2021
Legislative Session allowing for a written affirmation, rather
than an affidavit, in a petition for protective order, explicitly in
cases involving domestic violence.
o Continue development of ADR program modeled after ABA
manual for legal service organizations and in partnership with
the ADR section
o SRL Committee continues to coordinate and distribute COVID-
and disaster-related resources. Committee is working with the
LDJA to create training videos to address best practices for
remote access to courts and with the Technology Committee to
automate forms.
o SRL and Technology Committees hosted strategic planning
meetings and developed lists of priority goals.
o SRL and Technology Committees prioritized forms most used
by SRLs and is working with the Supreme Court’s Technology
Commission on developing and automating. The Committees
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