Page 465 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 465
▪ Create and support legal resources for the public;
Educated LSBA receptionist and recorded message to which public
can be directed to “Find Legal Help” site
Created a Brochure for requesting an interpreter which the Supreme
Court’s Office of Language Access is distributing to Clerks of Court.
o Develop and expand use of “Find Legal Help” site
▪ Requested website analytics for Find Legal Help and
related pages in order to understand and increase user
▪ Updated FLH to include local domestic violence shelters
and hotlines and COVID-related resources and guides.
▪ Added Civil Legal Navigator button on FLH
▪ Educating community leaders, community organizations
and library staff in civil legal resource desert areas on
Find Legal Help and other ways to connect people with
civil legal services through Train-the-Trainer events.
Held the following training events: with library staff in
Ferriday, with library staff in Vidalia, with Community
Action Agency staff in Harrisonburg, and with Chez
Hope (upcoming) in St. Martinville.
▪ Created a Civil Legal Resource Reference Guide on
how to use the Find Legal Help Portal.
▪ Revised the SRL and Forms sections of Find Legal
▪ Working on adding Find Legal Help to the “Public
Resources” section of the LSBA website.
▪ Creating instructional videos for each resource listed on
the FLH page to better explain what each resource does
and provides to the public.
▪ Working on making ways to make site accessible to
users with limited English proficiency.
o Create new and maintain existing SRL resource centers
(websites and help desks) and statewide uniform domestic
o Set up Google analytics in order to analyze traffic to LSBA-
managed Judicial District Court self-help websites.
o SRL & Technology Committees are working on making forms
automated and guided. SRL and Technology Committees are
working with the Supreme Court’s Technology Commission on
adopting uniform websites for each jurisdiction and a
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