Page 467 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 467
Authored Bar Journal article featuring unmet statewide legal needs
report’s recommendations and Economic Impact Study results.
Presented unmet statewide legal needs report findings at the annual
Louisiana Justice Community Conference, October 2019. Findings will
be used in communication planning for the next phase of the JFA
▪ Continue to administer the Legal Innovators for Tomorrow (LIFT)
Program which targets new attorneys interested in focusing a practice
on unmet legal needs;
o Address domestic violence, disaster and expungement legal
o Launched Flood Proof program to increase access to legal
representation for people affected by the 2016 flooding in Baton
Rouge. Program now in its third and final year. Inaugural and
second class dedicating over 1000 pro bono hours combined.
▪ The Domestic Violence Project graduated 5 class of
▪ Recent training includes Clio Cloud Conference, Justice
Community Conference, Justice Fridays, and recorded
new Business Strategy Workshops.
▪ Formed partnership with Modern Juris, a new program
run by former legal incubator director, to provide
business training and development tools for new solo
practitioners in the LIFT program.
▪ Launched new Disaster Title Clearing Project with SLLS
to serve legal needs of people impacted by Hurricane
Ida in St. John The Baptist, Lafourche, Terrebonne, and
▪ Launched new Rural Justice Incubator Project in
partnership with Acadiana Legal Service Corp. to
address the unmet legal needs of low- and moderate-
income Louisianans living in underserved rural
o Match interested attorneys with providers to address unmet
legal needs
o LIFT in its 8th year has worked with 40 attorneys, matching
attorneys with civil legal aid service providers focusing on
various practice areas including: family law, expungements,
housing, successions, clear title, re-entry, and several types of
civil legal matters.
▪ Develop and implement a pilot conflict resolution program located
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