Page 399 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 399
The electronic mail system was installed by the LSBA to facilitate business communications. The
LSBA e-mail system is the property of the Louisiana State Bar Association, including the hardware,
software, and any stored data. In addition, all messages and passwords created, composed, sent,
received or stored on the e-mail system are property of the LSBA and not the private property of any
LSBA employee. Although an Employee may have access to this system, all data belongs to the
LSBA, and the contents of electronic mail communications and data are accessible at all times by the
LSBA’s management for any business purpose.
Access to the e-mail system is primarily provided for use in conducting LSBA business; however, the
LSBA recognizes the occasional need for personal communication. Employees should have no
expectation of privacy with respect to his/her use of the LSBA e-mail system.
Employees cannot use the e-mail system in any way that is disruptive or offensive to others, potentially
threatening or violent, or is otherwise harmful to workplace morale. There should be no display or
transmission of sexually explicit images, message or cartoons. The Company also prohibits any
transmission or use of e-mail communications containing slurs, epithets, or other content that can be or
may be construed as harassing or disparaging to others based on race, color, ethnicity or national
origin, gender, age, religion, pregnancy, marital or familial status, disability, genetic information,
military and/or veteran’s status or any other protected status. The LSBA prohibits any electronic
communications by Employees that violates the LSBA’s Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
or Workplace Violence policies or any other LSBA policies.
The e-mail system is not permitted to be used to solicit or proselytize for commercial ventures,
religious or political causes, outside organizations, personal causes, or other non-job-related
solicitations. The sending of mass e-mails, chain letters or jokes is also prohibited.
The LSBA has the right to review, audit, intercept, access, and disclose all messages created, received,
or sent via the LSBA e-mail system for any purpose, without notice to an Employee. The contents of
an e-mail properly obtained for legitimate business purposes can be disclosed within the LSBA without
the Employee’s permission. Employees should not use electronic mail to transmit any messages they
would not want read by a third party. The LSBA has the right to override any password and to access
an Employee’s e-mail files for security and monitoring purposes.
Employee e-mail messages are not confidential. Even messages that have been deleted can be
retrieved and read. In addition, the use of passwords for security does not guarantee confidentiality.
Messages can be reviewed by someone other than the intended recipient.
An Employee who uses the e-mail system for improper, unethical or unlawful purposes, or otherwise
violates this policy, will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
Internet/Electronic Communications Use
Employees with access to the Internet, electronic bulletin boards, and other electronic media can use
these tools to meet their job responsibilities. Employees must use the Internet for job-related needs in
an informed and responsible way, conforming to network etiquette, customs, courtesies, and LSBA