Page 400 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 400
Use of the Internet through LSBA-owned equipment is for conducting LSBA business. Personal use
of LSBA Internet access is strongly discouraged. All communications and information transmitted by,
received from or stored in this system are LSBA records and the property of the LSBA. Documents on
the computer network may not be password protected. The Executive Director and IT Director will be
advised of all Employee logon passwords.
LSBA management reserves the right to monitor use of Internet access to ensure that it complies with
all stated policies and professional conduct standards.
The Internet does not guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of information. Sensitive material
transferred over the Internet can be intercepted by a third party. Therefore, Employees must exercise
care and caution when transferring such material in any form.
Employees are prohibited from using the Internet or any other system for communications that contain
slurs, epithets, or anything that can be or may be construed as harassment or disparagement of others
based on their protected status that would violate the LSBA’s Discrimination, Harassment and/or
Retaliation policy or violate other LSBA policies.
Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and the privilege can be revoked at any time for
inappropriate conduct. The LSBA reserves the right to access, review, copy, delete, and disclose all
activities of all users of LSBA’s communications systems. If the LSBA discovers possible evidence of
activity that is illegal or violates LSBA’s policies or rules, it will take appropriate disciplinary action,
including termination and/or disclosure of evidence to law enforcement officials or other third parties.
Litigation Hold for Pending or Threatened Litigation
When litigation by or against the LSBA or its Employees is filed or threatened, the LSBA will seek to
preserve all documents, records and electronic data that pertain to the issues or claims. As soon as the
LSBA is made aware of pending or threatened litigation, it will issue a litigation hold memorandum to
affected Employees with specific instructions regarding the preservation of documents and records,
including but not limited to, all electronically stored information such as e-mails, voice mails, instant
messaging, portable storage devices, smartphones, Internet service provider e-mail accounts, word
processing documents, spreadsheets and databases. If an Employee receives a litigation hold
memorandum, he/she may not alter or delete an electronic record or destroy paper files that fall within
the scope of the litigation hold. Employees who violate this policy will be disciplined, up to and
including termination, and may be subject to personal liability for civil and/or criminal sanctions by the
courts and law enforcement officials.
Computer Security
The LSBA places emphasis on computer security to protect its programs and data files from damage or
access to data from unauthorized persons. Do not post your password on your computer or your
desktop; do not give other persons your password(s) and do not share network IDs, unless specifically
instructed to do so. No unauthorized person at the LSBA can see or discover an Employee’s
password(s) without an Employee’s involvement.