Page 403 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 403

Even when online communications are not specifically made on behalf of the LSBA, they may affect
             the LSBA’s business and affairs.  Accordingly, the LSBA has adopted the following rules, which apply
             to all Employees:

                    •  Unless authorized to act on behalf of the LSBA and at its direction, an Employee may not
                       use social media during work time, or by means of LSBA-owned equipment.

                    •  Employees should respect all laws governing copyright, fair  use of copyrighted material
                       owned by others, trademarks and other intellectual property,  including any LSBA
                       copyrights, trademarks and brands.

                    •  Express only your personal opinions. Employees are not permitted to represent that they are
                       speaking on behalf of the LSBA, without prior authorization from an authorized LSBA

                    •  An Employee may not register account names that incorporate any of the LSBA’s business
                       names, trademarks, or names that otherwise may imply an association with LSBA.

                    •  If an Employee chooses to discuss LSBA or work-related matters, he/she must make it clear
                       that he/she is not speaking on behalf of the LSBA.  Even if an Employee does not mention
                       the LSBA by name, statements relating to work could be attributed to the LSBA. When
                       communications relate to work or the industry, Employees should post a disclaimer such as
                       this: "The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent my employer's
                       views."  If an Employee’s mode of communication does not allow for lengthy messages, at
                       least write “personal view” when expressing an opinion.

                    •  Employees should not distribute any confidential, private or proprietary information of the
                       LSBA or its employees in violation of the LSBA’s Confidentiality Policy, or that is
                       otherwise protected from unauthorized disclosure under applicable federal or state law.

                    •  Employees should not directly or indirectly comment on confidential or proprietary LSBA
                       business information, including its private or confidential information. Do not post internal
                       reports, policies, procedures, or other internal business-related confidential communications
                       as defined in the LSBA’s Confidentiality policy or which is otherwise protected under
                       applicable federal or state law.

                    •  To the extent that an Employee uses social networking to conduct or discuss LSBA
                       business, all LSBA policies and procedures apply.  Any statements concerning the LSBA
                       made by Employees on blogs or websites or in other electronic communications or postings
                       must comply with all LSBA policies including, but not limited to, polices concerning
                       confidentiality, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and workplace violence.

                       Employees should use common sense, and never intentionally post  any information or
                       rumors about another Employee that the posting Employee knows to be false. Make sure
                       you always strive to be honest and accurate when posting information or new online, and if

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