Page 406 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 406

  Gifts, meals and entertainment should have no potential for embarrassment to the LSBA
                           or the Employee. This includes, but is not  limited to, cash payments, events held at
                           inappropriate venues, and gifts of an inappropriate nature.
                         Gifts, meals and entertainment should not create or imply the existence of an obligation,
                           such as a lavish gift, frequent gifts or activities with the same vendor/supplier or gifts
                           and entertainment in excess of those that are reasonable given the Employee’s job
                           position and responsibilities.

                         Gifts of cash and services or gifts that may violate law are not permitted, regardless of
                           the circumstances.
                         Gifts, meals or events that may appear to be or create a conflict of interest should not be

             Application of these guidelines involves questions of judgment.  Questions about any gift, meal or
             event should be addressed with the Executive Director in advance.

             Common industry practice and standards dictate that some types of gifts and activities will usually be
             acceptable.  These include promotional items of nominal value (less than $50), such as baseball caps,
             pens, shirts, mementos of projects and events, and small prizes at vendor or industry sponsored events.
             Occasional business lunches and dinners are also  acceptable, provided there is a clear business
             purpose.  Modest personal gifts are also generally acceptable, to recognize a wedding, new job,
             promotion, retirement or holiday.

             An Employee who is invited to participate in a sporting event with a vendor/supplier, such as a golf
             tournament, hunting or fishing, should consult with the Executive Director before accepting the
             invitation.  Invitations to local spectator events, such as Saints or Pelicans games or concerts should be
             approved in advance by the Executive Director.  Events that involve supplier or vendor-provided
             transportation or lodging must always be approved in advance by the Executive Director.


             In fairness to the LSBA and fellow Employees, any Employee who intends to voluntarily resign his/her
             employment for any reason is requested to provide written notice to his/her supervisor at least two
             weeks prior to the last working day.  Nevertheless, each Employee is employed on an at-will basis, and
             his/her employment can be terminated either by  the Employee or the LSBA at any time, with or
             without cause or notice, even during such notice period.

             On or before the last day of work, an Employee is required to turn in all LSBA property, such as
             computers, phones, keys, tools, and payroll advances.  Failure to do so may reduce an Employee’s
             final paycheck, in accordance with applicable wage and hour regulations under federal and state law.
             An Employee whose full-time employment is terminated for any reason (resignation, dismissal, etc.)
             will be covered under the group hospitalization and insurance program through the last day of the
             month in which he/she is terminated.  In addition, the Employee may elect to continue health insurance
             benefits for up to 18 months at his/her own expense.
             Upon termination of employment, an Employee  shall receive compensation for all accumulated
             vacation in accordance with the Vacation policy in this handbook.  Accrued vacation shall be

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