Page 407 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 407
calculated using the percentage of the year worked. An Employee commencing work in the first half
of a month will be considered to have started on the first day of that month. A person commencing
employment in the second half of the month will be considered to have started working on the 16th of
the month. The above calculation applies only to computing pro rata vacations.
Upon termination of employment, an Employee shall receive no compensation for accrued sick leave.
An Employee may be asked to complete an exit interview prior to the completion of the last day of
Requests for employment verification or information that are received by an authorized LSBA
representative from a third party regarding a current or former LSBA Employee will be limited to dates
of employment with the LSBA and the positions the Employee held. If an Employee desires additional
information to be released to a third party, he/she must designate in writing the parties to whom
additional information may be released, the information that is authorized for release and execute a
release to LSBA in writing stating what employment information is to be released.
This section describes the vacation, leave and benefits that the LSBA provides for its regular full-time
Employees. If an Employee is a part-time Employee, he/she should consult with his/her direct
supervisor or the Executive Director to determine whether he/she is even eligible to participate in any
of the following benefits or leave policies. As noted, any benefit plan documents will control
employee eligibility for benefits.
Each full-time Employee shall have available ten (10) paid sick leave days per calendar year. Sick
leave days are calculated on a monthly basis at a rate of five-sixth (5/6) of a day per month for any
year in which an employee is employed fewer than (12) full months.
Sick days may be used by an Employee for an absence because of personal injury or illness, or injury
or illness in the immediate family when the Employee's presence is necessary. “Immediate family” is
defined as a spouse, domestic partner, parents, grandparents, siblings, children and grandchildren of
both the Employee and his/her spouse or domestic partner.
Time out of the office for medical or dental appointments will be charged against sick leave for non-
exempt Employees. Sick leave may not be used for vacation or personal time off.
Advance notification (as circumstances permit) must be provided by each Employee to his/her
supervisor of any pending sick leave. It is the responsibility of each Employee to keep his/her
supervisor informed of when he/she expects to return to work. The LSBA reserves the right to require
a written statement from an Employee’s physician certifying an Employee’s ability to return to work.