Page 410 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 410

Pregnancy leave will not exceed four months and will be provided to Employees during the time they
             are medically disabled on account of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, although
             FMLA leave may overlap pregnancy leave.

             Pregnancy leave can be taken on an as-needed basis.  Time off for prenatal care, severe morning
             sickness, doctor-ordered bed rest, childbirth and recovery from childbirth are covered by this policy.
             LSBA reserves the right to request certification from the Employee’s health care provider of a
             pregnancy-related issue necessitating leave or job modifications.

             Pregnancy leave is leave without pay, except to the extent that earned leave is utilized.  Employees
             may continue to be covered by the LSBA’s group health plans, on the same terms that are applicable to
             active full-time Employees, during pregnancy leave.  Eligible Employees may be eligible for short
             term disability during pregnancy leave and can apply.

             Employees must notify their supervisor when applying for pregnancy leave.  The Supervisor will
             inform the Employee when a leave request has been approved.  In considering pregnancy leave
             requests under this section, the LSBA will also follow the appropriate state statutes and state laws.

             Questions about this policy should be directed to the Executive Director.

             3.6    PARENTAL LEAVE

             For leave not covered by pregnancy leave and/or FMLA leave, parental leave without pay may be granted
             for a maximum of four (4) months when an Employee becomes a parent.  Parental leave is without pay,
             except to the extent that an Employee elects to unused sick leave and accrued vacation days during the
             parental leave period.  At the end of the four-month period, the Employee must return to work or risk loss
             of employment, absent circumstances that dictate otherwise.

             An Employee must provide advance written notice of a request for parental leave to his/her immediate
             supervisor.  Questions about this policy should be directed to an Employee’s immediate supervisor or the
             Executive Director.


             Any Employee who is a parent or legal guardian of a school-aged child and who is requested to appear
             at the child’s school or day care will be granted time off to attend, observe, or participate in related
             conferences or classroom activities conducted at  the child’s school or day care center, if the
             conferences or classroom activities cannot reasonably be scheduled during nonworking hours of the

             An Employee may take up to a total of sixteen hours during a twelve-month period to attend, observe
             or participate in conferences or classroom activities related to the Employee’s dependent children for
             whom he/she is the parent or legal guardian.  Such leave will be without pay; however, an Employee is
             permitted to use accrued vacation or other appropriate paid leave to attend such activities.

             An Employee who wishes to take leave to attend, observe or participate in a school conference or
             classroom activity must provide reasonable notice to his/her supervisor in advance as soon as

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