Page 415 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 415
Notice of Need for Leave
Employees must notify his/her supervisor at least 30 days in advance of the date leave is to begin if the
need for the leave is foreseeable. When advance notice is not possible, such as a medical emergency,
the Employee must provide notice as soon as practicable, but generally no later than two (2) days from
the date the leave begins, absent extenuating circumstances. Requests for leave must be submitted for
each separate qualifying purpose, and must be renewed annually in the case of intermittent leave.
The LSBA reserves the right to require an Employee on leave to periodically report on the status and
intention of the Employee to return to work.
Health Care Provider Certification
An Employee who requests FMLA leave due to a serious health condition, whether his/her own or a
family member’s, he/she may be asked to submit a Health Care Provider’s certification of the medical
conditions for the person affected.
The Health Care Provider Certification should include the date on which the serious health condition
began, the probable duration of the condition, and other appropriate medical facts. If the medical
certification provided to the LSBA lacks necessary information, the LSBA will request additional
information in writing.
Subsequent re-certifications will be required as necessary. Failure to timely provide certification or
recertification may delay the taking or continuation of leave under this policy.
Intermittent Leave
An Employee taking leave under the FMLA for his/her own or a family member’s serious health
condition can take FMLA leave intermittently or in accordance with a reduced schedule if medically
necessary. Leave due to qualifying exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent basis.
Employees are required to consult with the Executive Director to arrange a mutually acceptable
schedule. Employees must take reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment so
as not to unduly disrupt the LSBA’s operations.
Employees taking leave to care for a newborn baby or newly placed child do not have a right to take
intermittent leave.
Compensation and Benefits During Leave
An Employee is required to use any accrued but unused paid vacation leave during a FMLA leave of
absence. Once paid leave is exhausted, the remainder of the Employee’s leave period is without pay.
All available leave, both paid and unpaid, will run concurrently during FMLA leave.
Employees on FMLA leave continue to be covered by the LSBA’s group health plans on the same
terms that are applicable to active full-time Employees. For eligible Employees, FMLA leave runs
concurrently with short term disability benefits and workers’ compensation.