Page 420 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 420
Employees are required to report any potential safety or fire hazard to his/her supervisor or the
Executive Director.
Medical emergencies should be handled by calling 911 immediately. In addition, the Executive
Director should be notified immediately. If an Employee takes time off due to an accident-related
injury, certification by a physician and a release to return to work may be required.
Any Employee who suffers a work-related injury or illness within the meaning of any applicable
workers’ compensation law may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. An Employee must
notify his/her supervisor immediately if injured at work, if he/she becomes ill because of what is
believed to be a work-related incident, or if an Employee is exposed to chemicals or other substances
during the course of employment. It is each Employee’s responsibility to report injury or illness. If an
Employee fails to do so, workers’ compensation benefits may be at risk.
All Employees share the responsibility of making the LSBA a secure working environment. When
suspicious circumstances arise, an Employee is encouraged to make management aware of a potential
problem. The LSBA cannot assume the responsibility for loss or theft of personal belongings and
Employees are asked to safeguard their personal belongings at all times. Any type of violation of
policies discussed in this Handbook or type of criminal act committed against the LSBA or while on
LSBA time or premises should be reported to the Employee’s supervisor or the Executive Director.
The LSBA has developed a Fire Prevention Plan for use in the event of an emergency. In the case of a
fire or other emergency requiring evacuation of the facility, Employees must leave the job site in a
calm and orderly manner by following the evacuation route. Everyone must do his/her part by
knowing and following reasonable safety precautions.
Federal and state regulations require that all work accidents and work-related injuries be reported. It is
the responsibility of each Employee to notify his or her supervisor in the case of any injury, no matter
how minor, involving either an Employee or a client, vendor, volunteer, Member or guest during work.
On occasion, suppliers, vendors, and fellow Employees may misplace or forget personal items. Any
and all articles should be turned in to Executive Director. Items will be logged, complete with
description, date, time, and person turning in the articles. Articles will be stored for one year and one
day; after that, unclaimed articles will be removed from lost and found consistent with the local
guidelines. Found money must also be turned in to the Executive Director.