Page 411 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 411
practicable. An Employee must also make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to unduly
disrupt the LSBA’s daily business operations.
The LSBA encourages each Employee to fulfill his/her civic responsibility to serve as a juror when
called. Employees called to jury duty shall be given the necessary time off to serve. If an Employee is
summoned for jury duty, he/she should promptly present the jury summons to his/her supervisor and
arrange for time off.
The LSBA will pay an Employee’s regular wages while he/she is on jury duty, less any amounts paid
by the courts for such duty. On any day an Employee is not required to report to the court, or if he/she
is excused early on any day of service, he/she is expected to report to the LSBA offices if there is a
reasonable amount of time left in the workday.
At the conclusion of a jury duty period, the Employee shall submit a jury attendance report of the date
of service to his/her supervisor.
Any Employee who is subpoenaed to testify as a witness shall be given time off without pay as needed.
An Employee should promptly present a copy of the subpoena to his/her immediate supervisor and
arrange for time off.
The LSBA encourages its Employees to participate in elections. Employees are requested to vote
outside of working hours in order to avoid disruptions to the LSBA workplace. However, if an
Employee does not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote in a general or special
election, he/she should notify his/her supervisor. Any time granted by the LSBA to an Employee to
vote during working hours should be at the beginning or end of the work day unless the Employee and
his/her supervisor mutually agree upon a different time during voting hours. Employees should
provide advance notice of any conflicts with his/her work schedule and voting poll hours.
Employees or representatives of the LSBA should refrain from attempting to influence an Employee’s
political affiliations during work hours. An Employee will not be subjected to adverse action for
engaging in political activity; any request for time off to vote will be given equal consideration as other
forms of requests for time off.
An Employee is allowed a paid leave in the event of a death in the Employee’s immediate family. For
purposes of this policy, “immediate family” is defined as a child, parent, sibling, spouse, domestic
partner, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild or stepfamily member.
The maximum bereavement leave is one to three days, depending on the circumstances. If additional
time away from work is required for bereavement, an Employee may use earned vacation leave.