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▪ Encourage leaders to engage with local and specialty bars in their
respective areas;
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department makes an ongoing
effort to connect LSBA leadership with local and specialty bar
leadership by inviting LSBA leadership to an activity with local and
specialty bar leadership when there is an LSBA presence.
▪ Encourage young and/or senior lawyer groups at local bar
associations and consider programming which targets these groups;
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department has made an
ongoing effort to partner with bar associations to provide CLE
programming at no cost or at a low cost to benefit young and/or senior
lawyer groups.
The department created a law office management webinar targeted to
newly admitted attorneys to increase their skills in Microsoft Office. The
first session increases productivity for windows, power point and
outlook, the second session for Microsoft word; and the third session for
▪ Work to increase participation of judges in LSBA programs, especially
in areas where programs are held;
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department encourages
representation and participation of judges at its annual Conclave on
Diversity in the Legal Profession. The department also encourages
judges to participate in its CLE programming.
▪ Provide programming that focuses on disability issues
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department encourages
representation and participation of judges at its annual Conclave on
Diversity in the Legal Profession.
▪ Recognize those that execute the Statement of Diversity Principles;
Signatories of the Statement of Diversity Principles are featured on the
LSBA Diversity Webpage and new signatories are featured in the
Louisiana Bar Journal or “Bar Briefs.”
▪ Continue pipeline programs such as Suit Up for the Future High
School Summer Legal Institute and Intern Program; and
Although the 2020 program was cancelled due to COVID-19, Suit Up
scheduled to resume in June 2021.
▪ Create programming to increase diversity pipeline to legal profession.
o Invite law students to events
▪ Law students are invited to volunteer and attend the
Conclave on Diversity in the Legal Profession;
▪ Female law students are invited to attend the Women’s
Professional Development workshop held at the LSBA
Midyear meeting;
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