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▪ Law Students are invited to volunteer for the Suit Up
program and experience all activities except for the
mock legal argument.
▪ The LGBT Subcommittee is planning programming at
one of the law schools with the LGBT Student groups
and allies.
o Explain partnership between those in the profession and those
studying to enter the profession
o Create programming about profession for law students
o Provide information on importance the LSBA places on
diversity and inclusion in the legal profession
The Conclave continues to be an opportunity to showcase the
LSBA’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The work of the
Diversity Committee’s Integration subcommittee is ongoing in
service to local and specialty bar associations and law firms by
providing speakers to present on diversity and inclusion topics.
The work of the Diversity Committee’s Pipeline to Diversity and
Outreach subcommittee is ongoing to feature seminars that
highlight topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
BENCHMARK(S): Members feel the LSBA is accessible.
■ The State Bar strengthens ties with members by engaging them though
outreach and meeting them where they are.
▪ Continue to offer receptions for new admittees in locations throughout
the state;
New Admittees receptions are continued annually. New admittees
receptions are advertised by sending eblasts to all newly admitted
▪ Continue to offer and expand database of information on local and
specialty bar associations;
Contact information for local and specialty bar associations is featured
on the LSBA website on the Member Outreach webpage. A
spreadsheet is maintained internally.
▪ Collaborate with local and specialty bar associations;
o Identify programs which would welcome partnerships with
▪ The YLD partnered with the Baton Rouge and
Alexandria bars in October 2019 on Wills for Heroes
▪ The Member Outreach and Diversity Department
currently works with members of the Diversity
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