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ACCESS TO JUSTICE REPORT                                                        OCTOBER  2024

                   To: LSBA Board of Governors
                   From: Monte Mollere, ATJ Director
                   This memo highlights information on recent programs and initiatives of the LSBA’s Access
                   to Justice Commission, Committee and Department that may be of interest or relevance to
                   the  LSBA  Board  of  Governors.  Should  you  have  any  questions  or  require  additional
                   background on any item, I am happy to provide that information.

                   The Pro Bono Subcommittee will launch a pro bono campaign for the year 2025, called 25
                   in 25 with the purpose of encouraging all attorneys to provide 25 hours of pro bono in the
                   calendar year 2025. As part of this campaign, the subcommittee will pen articles for LSBA
                   publications, highlight various pro bono heroes on the LSBA’s social media, and present at
                   various  CLE  events.  For  more  information,  please  contact  Rachael  Mills,

                   The LSBA’s Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities (LSPD) Committee and ATJ
                   Commission’s Accessibility Committee are working to fulfill the request from the Louisiana
                   Legislature as set out in House Concurrent Resolution 38, which asks the Bar Association to
                   raise  awareness  around  the  various  options  that  individuals  have,  including  interdiction,
                   tutorship, supportive decision making (SDM), and other alternatives. The LSDP Committee
                   created and is distributing a Reference Card for judges and attorneys, titled “Interdiction
                   Procedure and Less Restrictive Alternatives.” Additionally, both Committees worked on the
                   latest Louisiana Bar Journal, which will focus on providing legal services to persons who
                   have a disability and/or barrier to accessing justice. The journal will include an article on
                   SDM and link to the Reference Card. In addition, the LSPD Committee has helped coordinate
                   various CLEs on SDM:
                          ●  “Supported  Decision  Making  &  Changes  to  Interdiction  Law”  at  Judicial
                              College’s Spring Conference
                          ●  “Who’s My Client?” CLE at LSPD Training Series
                          ●  “Interdiction Procedure and Less Restrictive Alternatives” at the Louisiana Justice
                              Community Conference
                   The LSPD Committee is also planning its annual end-of-year CLE that will include Supported
                   Decision  Making  as  a  topic.  For  more  information,  please  contact  Rebecca  Collins,

                   The Access to Justice Commission’s Community Outreach and Education Committee is
                   hosting a webinar for court personnel and clerk of court staff on Friday, December 6 at 11AM.
                   This webinar, “Navigating Civil Legal Resources: A Guide for Louisiana Courts,” will
                   focus on the various resources available to assist court staff who often encounter litigants,
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