Page 100 - 2021NovemberBOG
P. 100
■ The State Bar engages in best practices in Board governance and ensures
that the Board is focused on its established priorities and moving them
▪ Work diligently to prevent the LSBA from becoming involved in social,
political or other debates that do not relate directly to the practice of
law and the essential and fundamental mission and purpose of the
LSBA; and
o After House of Delegates’ approval in June 2019 of a resolution
to amend the Articles of Incorporation to require a 75% vote to
adopt policy positions, the membership approved via
referendum in December 2019.
o House of Delegates in June 2019 voted to suspend the
Legislation Committee and related activities until the January
2020 Midyear Meeting.
o Ad Hoc Committee to Review House of Delegates Policies
submitted two resolutions which were considered by the House
of Delegates in January 2020:
• To sunset all existing HOD policies - FAILED; and
• To amend the Bylaws to require all policy positions
adopted by the House to adhere to and agree with
Article XI, Section 1 of the Bylaws, which sets forth
scope and limitations for positions adopted by the
Legislation Committee – APPROVED.
▪ Consider increasing the power of the Bar Governance Committee in
an effort to discourage House of Delegates resolutions that could harm
the LSBA.
Bar Governance Committee met on January 9, 2020 to review
resolutions submitted for consideration by HOD on January 18 and
presented report on each resolution to the HOD. This practice will
continue for all HOD meetings.
■ The State Bar aligns its governance structure with its vision to ensure
governance of the Association is flexible, responsive and attentive to best
▪ Continue to partner with the Louisiana Supreme Court in the regulation
of the practice of law;
o Carefully guard and protect the strong relationship with the
Supreme Court which is rooted in mutual trust and respect
LSBA President meets periodically with Chief Justice and other
members of the Court to discuss issues of mutual interest
o Work to poise the LSBA to be the Supreme Court’s preferred
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