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also helped create a Post-Disaster Evictions Bench Card and flowchart and disseminated to
                   judges and justices of the peace.

                   Building Bridges Committee
                   Adrienne Wheeler, Chair
                   This Committee met in early October to set goals for the next year. Recent accomplishments
                   include  finalizing  a  brochure  on  the  new  law  affecting  child  support  obligations  for
                   incarcerated obligors, offering educational  training on reentry civil  legal aid,  and building
                   relationships between legal service providers and state agencies to better address reentry civil
                   legal needs. The next meeting is scheduled for February.

                   Language Access Committee
                   Luz Molina, Chair
                   The  Language  Access  Committee  met  in  July  and  August  to  prioritize  goals  that  were
                   identified  at  the  prior  meeting,  including  creating  educational  materials  and  trainings,
                   researching, and modifying La. Code of Evidence Article 604 as required in the Louisiana
                   Supreme Court’s Language Access Plan, and highlighting the attorney’s ethical duty to provide
                   adequate interpretation for Limited English Proficient clients. Committee members also helped
                   with an article for the December/January Bar Journal on what lawyers should know about
                   Louisiana’s new Language Access Plan.

                   Modest Means Committee
                   Virginia Listach, Chair
                   The Committee met in August and discussed the completion of several resources/activities: the
                   Limited Scope Representation (LSR) Toolkit for attorneys, the new CLE on LSR for attorneys
                   who  join  the  Modest  Means  Directory,  and  a  campaign  to  increase  awareness  of  these
                   resources. Judicial education, publication in the LA District Judges Association’s newsletter,
                   and  attorney  focus  groups  were  discussed  as  ways  to  share  the  materials  and  discuss  the
                   challenges attorneys and courts face with regard to limited scope representation, as a way to
                   increase access to legal services.

                   Technology Committee
                   Amanda Brown and Greg Landry, Co-Chairs
                   On August 26, 2021, the Technology Committee co-hosted a planning summit with the Self-
                   Represented Litigants Committee to coordinate overlapping projects and initiatives, including
                   the court forms project. During this summit, members of both Committees voted to approve a
                   formal  process  for  identifying,  automating,  and  testing  court  forms.  Members  of  the
                   Technology Committee are finalizing the automation of the Name Change and 103 Divorce
                   forms and are working on automating other forms identified in the SRL Committee’s “Top 10”
                   list of court forms. In coordination with the Disaster Response Subcommittee, this committee
                   is working toward the implementation of a statewide disaster legal services hotline. In early
                   October, SLLS was awarded $11,500 from the Capital Area United Way to support this project.
                   SLLS, ALSC, Lagniappe Law Lab, and the LSBA's Access to Justice Department will staff
                   the project's implementation. The next meeting is scheduled for November.
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