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ACCESS TO JUSTICE REPORT                                                  NOVEMBER 2021

                   To: LSBA Board of Governors
                   From: Monte Mollere, ATJ Director

                   This memo highlights information on the programs and initiatives of the LSBA’s Access to
                   Justice Commission, Committee and Department that may be of interest or relevance to the
                   LSBA  Board  of  Governors.  Only  activities  occurring  since  the  last  board  meeting  are
                   included in this report. Should you have any questions or require additional background on
                   any item, I am happy to provide that information.

                                                    ATJ Commission

                   Louisiana Justice For All Project
                   Alainna Mire, Steering Committee Chair
                   Following Hurricane Ida, the National Center for State Courts approved a pause and deadline
                   extension for the Louisiana Justice For All Project. While the project is paused, the JFA team
                   continues to move forward to complete actionable items including collecting survey responses
                   from residents in East Carroll and Concordia parishes, planning educational events for judges
                   and lawyers, building relationships with community leaders and partners in the areas targeted
                   for services, and access point analysis.  Community listening sessions scheduled to take place
                   in early September 2021 have been rescheduled for the end of January 2022.

                   Funding Committee
                   Chris Ralston, Chair
                   The Funding Committee continues to prepare for the upcoming Legislative Session with the
                   goal being to secure $1 million in funding for civil legal services. In this effort, the group
                   recently met with Rep. Letlow’s staff and Rep. Jerome “Zee” Zeringue. Louisiana Appleseed
                   continues to lead the lobbying effort for the committee.

                   SRL Committee
                   Judge Jeffrey Cashe, Chair
                   The Self-Represented Litigants Committee has been working on priority activities identified
                   in the Committee’s strategic plan, which include Access to Justice training for Judges and
                   Court Staff; increase access points in civil legal deserts; and increase availability of court
                   forms. On August 26, 2021, the Self-Represented Litigants Committee co-hosted a planning
                   summit with the Technology Committee to coordinate overlapping projects and initiatives,
                   including the court forms project. During this summit, members of both Committees voted to
                   approve a formal process for identifying, automating, and testing court forms. Additionally,
                   the Committee helped organize a CLE with the Judicial College on eviction moratoriums,
                   Emergency Rental Assistance Programs, and eviction diversion, which was held in September
                   in conjunction with Hurricane Ida Disaster Response trainings. Members of the Committee
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