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As of June 30, 2023, there were a total of 407 specialists:  349 Active Board-Certified Specialists,
              47  Senior  Board-Certified  Specialists,  0  Senior60  Board-Certified  Specialists,  8  Inactive  Board-
              Certified  Specialists,  3  Senior/Inactive  Board-Certified  Specialists;  and  0  Hardship/CLE  Exempt
              Board-Certified Specialists. 16 Specialists were decertified in 2022 and 2023. 9 Specialists retired in
              2022 and 2023.  The breakdown is as follows:

                   Appellate Practice – 14 active, 1 decertified
                   Business Bankruptcy – 17 active, 1 inactive
                   Consumer Bankruptcy – 12 active
                   Employment Law – 9 active
                   Estate Planning – 96 active, 12 senior, 0 senior60, 1 decertified, 2 retired
                   Family Law – 63 active, 9 senior, 3 senior/inactive, 6 inactive, 8 decertified, 3 retired
                   Health Law – 32 active, 1 decertified
                   Labor Law – 0
                   Tax Law – 106 active, 26 senior, 0 senior60, 1 inactive, 5 decertified, 4 retired

                    The  LBLS  Board  approved  37  applications  for  recertification  as  of  January  1,  2023:  1  in
              appellate practice; 2 in business bankruptcy law; 3 in consumer bankruptcy law; 12 in estate planning
              and administration; 4 in family law; and 15 in tax law.

                    The Advisory Commissions for each specialty remain active and are currently in the process of
              grading certification examinations for their respective specialties. Their CLE Committees diligently
              review and approve courses for specialization credit.

                    Health Law accepted its first applications for specialization beginning in January 2019. The first
              Health  Law  take  home  exam  was  administered  in  the  Summer  of  2019.  The  first  24  Health  Law
              specialists  were  Board  certified  beginning  January  1,  2020.  An  additional  eight  (8)  Health  Law
              specialists were Board certified in 2022; one (1) Health Law specialist was certified in 2023; and one
              Health Law specialist passed away in 2023.

                    Employment Law and Labor Law accepted their first applications for specialization beginning
              in November 2021. The first Employment Law and Labor Law take home exams were administered in
              the Summer of 2022. The first nine (9) Employment Law specialists were board certified beginning
              January 1, 2023.

                     Elections were held in April, May, and June of 2023 for Advisory Commission members and
              officers. One new member was appointed to the LBLS Board to replace a member who had served the
              maximum two 3-year terms on the Board.

              Future of Legal Specialization

                    LBLS continues its outreach and advertising campaign by being proactive. LBLS works with
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