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the LSBA to keep the LBLS website updated and to include specialization news in LSBA publications.
LBLS has remained flexible in adjusting to virtual meetings which commenced in 2020 due to the
pandemic. In 2022-2023 most meetings of the LBLS Board and the Advisory Commissions were held
virtually due to convenience and health concerns. The Board meets four times a year and the Advisory
Commissions usually meet twice a year.
The Louisiana Supreme Court’s Order dated June 2, 2016, amending Rule 7.2(c)(5) of the
Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct, creates an unknown variable, the effect of which has yet to
be determined, allowing attorneys to represent themselves as specialists, although not certified. The
foregoing, coupled with the fact that a significant number of board-certified specialists are approaching
retirement age, causes concern that a significant loss of specialists may result. The number of board
certified specialists retiring and resigning increased in 2022 and 2023 from 2021.
That said, however, there is much interest in the new specializations of Health Law, Employment
Law and Labor Law. Administering proctored virtual exams beginning in 2020 benefitted applicants
who no longer have to travel to New Orleans to take exams in person. Resolutions concerning Standards
in Appellate Practice, Employment Law, Labor Law and Health Law presented and argued before the
House of Delegates have brought attention to specialization. There appears to be renewed interest in
Bankruptcy Law. LBLS continues to receive inquiries regarding creation of new specializations, such
as Election Law.
If you require any further information or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have
enjoyed my eventful year as Chair and would like to express my sincere appreciation to the members
of our Board who have all worked hard to serve both the legal community and the public interest,
especially during these uncertain times. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Chair.
Richard K. Leefe
2022-2023 Chair
Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization