Page 17 - Buku Exploring
P. 17


           B.  Writing

                                     Did You Know

                     Generic Structure for Writing Strategies?
               Types of Writing Strategies:
               1.  Planning
                      Planning  is  the  first  crucial  step,  where  you  brainstorm
                  ideas, outline your thoughts, and decide on the structure of
                  your writing. This step ensures that your writing has a clear
                  direction and purpose.

               2.  Drafting
                      Drafting follows, where you begin to put your ideas into
                  sentences and paragraphs, focusing on getting your thoughts
                  down rather than achieving perfection.

               3.  Revising
                      Revising  involves  reviewing  your  draft  to  improve  its
                  content, structure, and clarity, making sure that your ideas are
                  well-organized and clearly communicated.

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