Page 20 - Buku Exploring
P. 20
Effective paraphrasing requires more than just changing a few
words; it involves altering the sentence structure and using synonyms
while keeping the intended message intact. It also involves giving
proper credit to the original source to acknowledge the original
author’s work. By mastering paraphrasing, you can demonstrate your
comprehension of the material and seamlessly integrate it into your
writing, making your work more original and credible.
Did You Know
How to Paraphrase Correctly?
1. Carefully Read the Original Text
Begin by reading the original text carefully and intentionally,
possibly re-reading it multiple times. Use a dictionary to look up
any unfamiliar words to ensure you fully understand the author’s
meaning. This step is crucial for grasping the intention and nuances
of the original passage.
2. Read the Passage Again, Thoughtfully
Engage with the text critically during the second reading. Use
critical thinking skills to uncover subtext, shades of meaning, and
the author’s purpose. Developing a brief bullet-point outline of
key concepts during this step can be an effective tool for recalling
important ideas when you begin paraphrasing.
3. Write Out a Summary of the Author’s Main Ideas in Your Own
Set aside the original text (literally, put it away or cover it to
keep it out of sight). Using your own words and phrasing, write a
summary of the author’s main points. Be careful not to introduce
your alternative ideas or interpretations. Think of this step as
though you were explaining the original text to someone else, like
a fellow student or instructor, without looking back at the passage.
4. Compare Your Summary with the Original Text