Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
P. 1
Vol. 15, No. 29
INSIDE Dog Days of Summer
STORIES Capt. Ryan DeCamp Glendale Police De-
Arizona heat and partment working dog
Spike takes a bite
vehicles, 3 out of Staff Sgt. Scott
Attitude guides Emmick, 56th Secu-
rity Forces Squadron
Airman, 4 Military Working Dog
Community Commons trainer, Saturday at the
Dog Days of Summer
concept design, 6 event held at Murphy
Red Tail, 10 Park in Glendale. Em-
First A-bomb drop, 11 mick played the villain
FEATURE in the demonstration
as Glendale PD Sgt.
Senior Airman Marcy Copeland Ernie Ochoa and dog
handler Bryan Ander-
READING TO THE RHYTHM son subdued him. The
56th SFS MWD team
See Page 12 hosted a booth at the
event talking about
INDEX their role in military
missions as well as
Action line ............................. 2 working and training
Briefs..................................... 3 alongside MWD teams
Spotlight ................................ 4 from local police
Diversions ........................... 20 departments. More
Sports.................................. 23 than 1,000 people and
hundreds of dogs at-
QUOTE OF THE WEEK tended the three-hour
“Our perspective is broken into four
simple components that if adhered to, 944th FW hosts bone marrow drive today
can provide the leader a simple way
of creating an inclusive environment by Senior Airman works. Packets are given to each volunteer containing infor-
that makes our international pilots MARCY COPELAND mation and educational materials to inform families of their
feel a part of our community and decisions to donate if matched with a recipient.
enhances their training.” 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
A swab sample is taken of a person’s mouth, sealed for trans-
Maj. Ron Sloma The 944th Force Support Squadron will be holding a bone port and sent to the nationwide donor registry where it is ana-
21st Fighter Squadron marrow drive between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. today at the 944th lyzed and hopefully matched to someone in need of a donation.
WEATHER If matched a person travels to where the patient is and is
According to, more than six people die from tested further. The actual procedure of removing bone marrow
Today a blood cancer every hour. Every three minutes, someone is is done under anesthesia, so the donor is not awake for the pro-
diagnosed with a type of blood cancer. That’s 20 people every cedure. A large needle is used to extract the marrow from the
106°/82° hour, 480 people every day. pelvic bone. The procedure is usually done early morning and
the donor can leave that evening or stay overnight for observa-
Sunny Leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and tion and go home the next day. The hip area will be sore for
multiple myeloma are just a few types of blood cancers also a few days, but it will pass and the donor’s body will produce
known as hematologic cancers. These cancers affect the produc- more bone marrow.
tion and function of blood cells and start in the bone marrow
where blood cells are produced for the entire body. All expenses including travel, hotel and medical bills are cov-
ered and the donor can leave knowing that less than 10 percent
According to the American Society of Hematology, the normal of the bone marrow will help to save a life.
blood cell development process is interrupted by uncontrolled
growth of an abnormal type of blood cell. These cancerous cells The bone marrow drive is sponsored by Salute to Life and
prevent a person’s blood from performing its normal functions LV EHLQJ RUJDQL]HG E\ .LPEHUO\ %UDQFKH WK )66 +XPDQ
Chemo and radiation therapy can be used to treat blood can- “Last March I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma which is
cers, but one of the most effective treatments is a stem cell or FDQFHURIWKHSODVPDFHOOVµ%UDQFKVDLG´7KDWLVZKDWSXVKHG
bone marrow transplant. me out there. I felt I was given a purpose in life. I knew this
didn’t happen just to happen. My own personal journey with
The process of volunteering is not what many may think and this disease is what started this and made me want to educate
out paperwork and receive an explanation of how the program
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