Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-8-16
P. 13
Thunderbolt NEWS April 8, 2016
5k color run
3KRWRVE\$LUPDQ3HGUR0RWD LEFT: The Thrive for 5k fun run pro-
gram teamed with the Luke Air Force
color run March 19 at Luke. The pro-
gram began with participants learning
how to run a 5k in 10 weeks.
WOLF (from Page 2) were numerous pilots more talented weekend shift or what have you. Be /($'(56+,3 (from Page 2)
than me, I would wager I worked harder dependable, competent, efficient and ag-
question, but, in the end, it was actually than many of them. I also crushed my gressive. Understand how and where you to my daughter and any future grandchildren
quite disappointing. Essentially, this Air- additional duty as the chief of squadron fit into the wing’s mission and why your long after my career is over.
man asked if there were any volunteer training. If the operations officer gave job is important. Finally, be the Airman
activities the chief and I could point him me a task, it got done, quickly. And sud- who finds a way to ‘yes.’ But it came at a price. I made a lot of personal
toward so he could highlight himself for denly, I became a go-to officer. Unknow- sacrifices during that time. I spent countless
below-the-zone promotion consideration. ingly, I became one of the ‘wolves.’ I firmly believe these ideas are being hours away from my wife and young daughter
Regrettably, this was not the first time I’d captured by our enlisted evaluation while I worked late nights and weekends in the
been asked a question about “extracur- I told this young Airman about be- system changes. While the roll-out has office so I could help better the team, contribute
ricular activities” that might be regarded coming the best in his flight, section been rocky, and we’re far from perfect, I to the big picture, and help provide a new and
for promotion or advancement. About or squadron. Be the Airman, when the am incredibly pleased with the change exciting technology to the Air Force. There were
half of his lunch-mate’s ears perked up, squadron deploys, whose name will be toward recognizing ‘wolves’ earlier. At days I wanted to quit, but I continued because so
while the other half had expressions high on the list, because he knows his Lakenheath, we’ve made changes to our many of my teammates were sacrificing as well.
of disdain. I waited a few seconds to craft, works hard, is a good teammate, quarterly awards, prioritizing mission ac- We had come together as one and were able to
respond. and, if there’s a crappy job to get done, complishment over the other categories. accomplish something truly great -- something
the leadership can count on to “git ‘er We are looking to identify and promote so much bigger and more important than we ever
My answer was simple: “STOP! Wrap done.” ‘wolves.’ could have accomplished on our own.
yourself in the mission, and become the
‘wolf.’” He looked at me confused, so I Harvey Keitel said in Pulp Fiction, “I’m Don’t get me wrong, volunteering be- Being part of such a great team rejuvenated
went on to explain. Volunteerism or ex- Winston Wolfe. I solve problems.” cause you have time and you genuinely my desire to serve in the Air Force and in the
tracurricular activities are exactly the want to volunteer is awesome. Events years since, I’ve had the fortune to serve with
things I am NOT looking for. Instead, Without a doubt, your section chief or like our annual awards party, which several more amazing folks and to have been a
I want this young American to dive, first sergeant has an additional duty or 1,000 people attended, the Air Force ball, part of other great teams.
headfirst, into the new job. Become the project that has command interest — like with 950 attendees, the maintenance
very best Airman: skilled, motivated, running the next retirement ceremony, professional of the year banquet, with But, in the end, I think it’s our own attitude
optimistic and aggressive about getting leading the Air Force Assistance Fund 1,200 people in attendance, our 9/11 that makes the biggest difference in our careers.
the mission done. In my opinion, raising campaign in the squadron or something remembrance ceremony, and more, are Being a team player and sacrificing for what we
your right hand at basic military train- like that. Those are important tasks that made possible because of volunteers. want is hard. There’s no getting around that,
ing satisfies the volunteerism category the commander needs to get done so he But, volunteering because you need to and there are times we just don’t want to do it.
for a good couple of years. or she can continue to focus on the mis- round-out an awards package is not what However, when we sacrifice for the betterment
sion. Like flies that need to be swatted, we need. Spend that extra time learning of the team, it makes the team stronger, more
As a young pilot, my profession con- the ‘wolf ’ makes light of those tasks, more about your job. able to achieve the big picture and to positively
sumed me. I spent weekends in our alleviating the burden on the squadron. affect the Air Force in ways we often cannot even
vault, flying the little desktop trainer Wing commanders coin ‘wolves.’ imagine at the time.
with classified copies of the tactics Be the first Airman into upgrade train- Squadron commanders promote ‘wolves’
manuals open next to the machine. I ing - the one who knows the tech orders to senior airman BTZ. There is no secret. Although it took me too long, I eventually
read countless weapons school papers and Air Force Instructions better than It’s simple: Crush your job, be the best in learned the lesson my supervisor tried to teach
and never passed up an opportunity to anyone else does. Always be willing to your section, flight or squadron. Evolve me at the onset of my career, and I have found
deploy with the squadron. While there help with the toughest surgery, hard- into the ‘wolf’ and I guarantee you will that being a team player has made my career
est broke jet, longest mission-planning find what you seek. much more enjoyable and more fulfilling than I
session, rainiest guard posting, worst ever thought it could be.